R5138-363 Interesting Letters

::R5138 : page 363::



I have read for the second time the article in the October 1, 1912, TOWER, “Fight the Good Fight,” and how it thrills my heart to renewed zeal and determination to fight the good fight, realizing more than ever that I fight for myself, through the power of Jesus. I shall keep the TOWER in my desk ready for re-reading at spare moments.

My heart goes out in gratitude to our dear Father, and to our Savior and Advocate for these wonderful helps that come as refreshing and energizing dew drops upon our thirsting souls. The Truth is new and fresh every morning and evening. It is even more precious to me now than when I first saw it, nineteen years ago.

How sweet the words of the poet sound in my heart: “There’s no place where earthly sorrows are more felt than up in heaven; There’s no place where earthly failings have such kindly judgment given. Search the Scriptures, search and see, God in mercy judgeth thee.”

I had occasion to speak to a vessel captain today, who to a certain extent is interested in the harvest work, telling him about the many blessings we received at the Washington Convention, and the profitable and pleasant visit to the Tabernacle and Bethel. He said: “You certainly are at peace with all mankind, if I can judge by your face.”

Our earnest prayers go up for you daily, that the God of all grace may be your strength till the work is finished, come what may.

Sweetest Christian greetings and remembrances from the writer and family, in which, I am sure, every member of our dear Ecclesia joins.

Yours, by His grace, N. A. LINDERBERG.—Minn.



I am enclosing two clippings from prominent church papers which will be self-explanatory. I wish to say that I think one of the best features about the WATCH TOWER is its indifference to the ranting of other publications. I feel almost to rejoice in this fact every time I receive the TOWER; I can sit down and really read the explanation of the Holy Scriptures and the discussion of topics without having to read every few lines some one’s personal slashing of another person’s belief; or by turning a page run on to a $3.00 watch advertisement guaranteeing a watch for twenty years; or a minister’s boosting of the last Holiness meeting at which he and John Doe were the prominent speakers, and Mr. __________ the singer, that so many “prayed through, many were gloriously blessed, and that he, the writer, had a few open dates, and if any of the dear brethren wanted him, to write at once.”

Yet I do believe that some of these articles should be answered, not by retorting, but by telling your readers some of the things accomplished: for instance, in one article which you will find underscored, the writer says, “But Russell’s teachings have not produced even reformations.” Why would it not be well to reprint both these articles with such comment as is your custom to make in a religious way, with only the one thought in view, that of shedding light on these benighted souls, that their vision may be gloriously enlarged, so they may be able to see beyond the confines of the small circle in which their thoughts have been accustomed to move, and realize the truth of the fact that they are servants of a dogma, the charms of which have so veiled their vision, that nothing but an almost divine interference can accomplish the feat of awakening their soul to the more lovable nature of the God of Love, who could not possibly be a God of Love were He a God of the Hell Fire punishment which they have been standing for.

May God add His blessing.

S. R. G__________.—Dakota.


Brother Russell’s replies to Mr. Ellis he thinks best to incorporate in his discourses, which appear in many newspapers and reach many people.


— November 15, 1912 —