::R5106 : page 299::
Greetings! Since I cannot see my way to join in personal fellowship with you and the dear friends in Aberdeen, I must give vent to my sentiments by writing a few words to congratulate you, the Lord’s honored servant, on this welcome visit to the “Granite City.”
How could I let such an opportunity pass without telling you that my heart still warms toward you because of the soul-cheering message, which flows from your lips and pen, setting atune the melodious heartstrings of so many of the Lord’s holy harpers!
I know you will respond, “Let the praise be His,” but as the Master said, “Whom my Father honors I will also honor”; therefore, I thank you, as the servant whom He uses in dispensing His favors so free, and my sincere prayer, in which Sister Blaikie joins, is that the good Lord shall continue to bless and prosper you in your earnest labors of love on behalf of His precious, consecrated flock.
Humbly yours, in the Morning Light,
R. W. BLAIKIE.—Scotland.
::R5106 : page 299::
We are now paying our 15th annual visit as evangelists to our native county of Worcestershire, and being supplied from your London depot with two large parcels of your publications, we are entering upon a new phase of the Mission. We have already distributed large quantities in Sydenham and London. I regard them as direct and powerful weapons of destruction against (1) Darwin’s doctrine of Evolution; (2) Roman Catholicism; (3) John Calvinism; (4) The natural immortality of the soul; (5) The ferocious doctrine of Eternal Torment in hell; (6) The monkish teaching of an eternal Devil:—and reconstruction in favor of (1) A Scriptural mode of exegesis of the Bible; (2) The true science of geology and the creation of the earth, involving its perpetuity; (3) The divinity of Christ on which doctrine the Ransom-price is paid; (4) God’s “plan” of destroying evil and establishing everlasting righteousness as one Jehovah; (5) Making future life depend on resurrection; (6) The doctrine of Restitution “of all things spoken by the mouth of the Holy Prophets since the world began.”
In these books issued by your Society there is a grace and power of expression which, accompanied by high intelligence, makes them most suitable to place in the hands of all classes, the religious and the irreligious alike, and therefore the uncompromising spirit of toleration and the absence of offensive dogma breathed through every page of these writings reflects great credit upon both the publishers and the author. They are well adapted to accomplish the work for which they are intended. I am pleased, even delighted, at having discovered such labor and laborers in the Master’s vineyard and I hope heartily to co-operate in such labors until “the laborer’s task is o’er” and we are called to higher services.
The teachings are not new to me as you will have observed from my publications, but although David and Solomon were closely related, and deeply interested in God’s purposes, what David was not called upon nor permitted to do, Solomon in due time accomplished.
“God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform.”
He is the Great Supreme. Praise His Holy Name!
Yours in the hope of Christ, (REV.) J. MARTIN.
I have been enjoying the light of Present Truth for two and a half years. The Vow did not appeal to me when first I read it, but as time passed I realized the narrowness of the way and in November last I decided to take the Vow, and have been greatly blessed by so doing. In times of trial it has been a great help to know that others of like precious faith are praying for me. The part that helps me most is scrutinizing my thoughts and words.
Before coming into Present Truth I was a member of the M. E. Church. When my husband received Present Truth I felt very much worried about him and asked my Pastor if he had ever heard of MILLENNIAL DAWN books. He told me that the books were worse than poison; if they were branded poison, no one would touch them. As my husband attended the church with me I asked the minister to call and have a talk with him, but he never came and I thought he did not do his duty; so I left the church and went to a mission. My friends and I prayed earnestly for my husband and at last I pleaded with our Heavenly Father to show me if I was wrong and my husband was right.
In a short time I got the “hell” theory cleared up; having a dear brother burned to death who did not profess to be a Christian, and, having asked fully one dozen ministers where he was and gotten ten different answers, it almost made me an unbeliever in the Bible!
May the dear Father continue to bless you! Grace be to you, and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ!
Brother Moody and I send our names, as we have taken the Vow.
With Christian love,
— September 15, 1912 —
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