R5051-202 Some Interesting Letters

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I am impressed to see how our dear Lord is now leading His people along!

About the time of your recent return from abroad I wrote you a letter regarding some matters, with questions, etc. Thinking this too long, I did not send it, but wrote another letter, only to be dissatisfied with it also, and finally discarded the idea of writing, knowing how entirely your time is occupied.

But when, in the last TOWER, I found a complete answer to all my questions, I thought I would tell you about it.

I have of late been appreciating these things as I had not done before; I can see that if many truths we now have had been presented before, we would not have been able to see them so clearly.

We are glad that the Lord of the Harvest knows and is able to give “Meat in due season”—when we are able to receive and use it to His glory and our good!

“The Mortal Body the Servant of the New Mind”; “The Palace of Blessedness”; “Ye Were Bought with a Price”; “Beware of Pride in the Heart”; “Moses as a Mediator,” etc., are certainly good for me! I try to feel that the dear Lord sent all such to me just as though there were not another person in the world. In this way I seem to get more out of it and am kept from thinking where it might fit others!

I want the Lord’s arrangements to fit me for the Kingdom, and since this is true of all of His “little ones,” we may be a help to one another in the Narrow Way.

The sermons, too, seem more impressive, as we should expect, since the dear Lord says “The path of the just shall shine more and more unto the perfect day.”

I ask that you pray that I may be more and more illuminated with this blessed Truth until I shall become one of the “rays” of the same great Fountain of Light and Truth with our dear Lord and all the faithful in Him!

Praying God ever to bless and keep you to the end of the

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way, and to grant you “an abundant entrance into the Kingdom” for which our hearts long, by His grace I beg to remain

Your brother in hope,



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Please accept my hearty “Welcome Home.” If I can guess by my own experience, I would think you are very happy to be home again, but O! so glad to have had the opportunity to take the glorious Gospel around the world. How happy and blessed must be your heart in the great work you have been chosen to accomplish in this grand Harvest Time! May our dear Heavenly Father give you strength and continual grace to finish it.

Dear Brother Russell, my own experiences on my trip to Europe were at times very interesting and brought great blessings to me. I can say in truth that I am glad I was able to go out there; but how happy I was when the time came to come back! I was away just three months.

I intended to send some little report to you on your trip, but thought you will get so much mail all the time that so many letters might bother you. I myself did not get any. Even though the children wrote, the letters never came.

I found very many hungry Christians in Germany who were glad to hear the good news. I spent many half nights telling the glad story. It was very strange to my relatives. Seven years ago I sent them each the three volumes, but not one of them had read, but had loaned them all. Some of the books traveled a long distance, to Munich, and were read by a Catholic priest, a Protestant minister and others. Some of them went to Colmar, and others were loaned and not returned. Strange to say, my friends were consecrated Christians and praying for more light all the time. When they heard that I was coming they hoped I would bring them some Truth, and when they heard the glad tidings they accepted it. They seemed to me to be quite able to grasp the Truth. My dear brother, who knew nothing but Catholicism, cried for joy. Five of my relatives have now accepted the Truth.

And now, praying that grace and peace may be multiplied unto you, I remain,

Your sister in Christ, F. MUNTZER.



After our enjoyable visit to Brooklyn, Sister Thorn and I returned home more than ever encouraged to take up the cross daily and follow our Master faithfully, unto death.

We especially enjoyed being at “Bethel” and the privilege of sitting at your table, listening to the helpful discussions and table-talks. Our interview with you in your study was also very helpful and drew us nearer to you. It was truly a “holy week” to us.

Last Sunday, at the close of the afternoon service at Lynn, I told the friends of our intention to re-unite with the Boston Class, I. B. S. A. At the conclusion of my remarks prayer was offered and we sang, “Blest be the tie,” etc. We believe we left with the good will of the entire Class.

We then proceeded to Boston, arriving there in time for the evening meeting. After a few testimonies had been given I gave mine, reminding the friends that if we had any differences to settle with one another—not hereafter, but right here, these things must be adjusted.

I then confessed having made some unintentional mistakes which I feared had caused them unnecessary pain, and that I was truly repentant and asked their forgiveness, also requesting that we might have closer fellowship with the dear Boston Class.

We were assured of their forgiveness, and after several had expressed their joy in hearing our words (for I assured them that I spoke for Sister Thorn as well as for myself), the whole Class by a rising vote expressed their love and a hearty welcome.

Both at Lynn and at Boston it was a heart-mellowing time—a most blessed day to us all. Many tears of joy were shed as the dear friends shook hands with us. We feel sure that you, too, will rejoice with us. Kindly remember us both in your prayers.

With much Christian love from Sister Thorn and myself, I am as ever,

Your brother and fellow-servant in Christ,



— June 15, 1912 —