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Your recent favor came duly to hand and I lack words to express my appreciation. I can only say that I sincerely thank you and think the bookmark both beautiful and helpful.
A sense of my own unworthiness, my semi-invalid, “shut-in” condition and other adverse circumstances have caused my hesitation in taking the Vow; but I have finally decided to take it, trusting the grace of Christ to enable me to keep it faithfully.
As I read these wonderful STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES my heart is filled with praise to our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus that such loving-kindness has been shown me in the gift of these marvelous treasures of the Divine Revelation, so enlightening my mind by the Spirit of Truth that I am able to understand and appreciate the Scriptures.
To believe the wonderful truths unfolded to us through STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES separates one from kindred, friends and even “Christian” companions; they think one more dangerous than an infidel. To believe MILLENNIAL DAWN teachings is to be ostracized by the nominal church. But Christ welcomes those who are cast out for His Truth’s sake!
I have been prayerfully re-reading the STUDIES and have just taken up Vol. V., in which I find so much to study out. I find, now and then, little ways in which I can give my testimony to those being ensnared by Evolution, etc.; it is my greatest joy and comfort to be able to offer this small service.
Earnestly praying for all the brethren and sisters who are laboring for the Master.
Yours in The Faith,
For the benefit of any whom you might know to be afflicted with cancer, I have much pleasure in informing you that recently a dear friend of mine was cured of cancer. The agency in this case was radium; and the process was painless. I also know of another instance of a very much worse case being entirely cured.
Is not this another instance of the bringing to us of restitution blessings by the Lord?
Your sister in Christ,
MRS. J. P. ALLGOOD (M.D.).—Ala.
I recently received Vols. IV. and VI., STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, and am reading them with great joy. I now have five volumes, and am highly pleased with all.
For some time I have been looking for God’s people on earth, according to the Scriptures, but until now have failed to find them. Though a member of the Methodist Church, I could not find them there, as I understand their description in the Bible, and my own desire for their companionship.
I extend my hand to you in joyous welcome, and greet you with love. I shall offer as much support, financially and otherwise, as lieth in me, and desire to secure further literature from you as soon as money matters permit.
There is great joy in the prayer of our Lord: “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as in heaven!”
I ask your prayers for me and my household, assuring you of mine.
I remain your friend and brother, CHRIS. ACHERSOLD.—Ark.
When the Vow came, I was new in the Truth, and it was not received by me as “meat in due season.”
In asking advice of the brethren older in the Truth, I was cautioned to wait, and to weigh all these things, which I foolishly did, instead of taking the matter seriously to the Lord and asking guidance of Him.
But I did tell the Father that I would not let it interfere with my study of His wonderful Plan, nor with my fellowship with His earnest workers, and that I would wait upon Him till He should show me the way.
He surely took me at my word, for it was nearly two years later that the eyes of my understanding were opened so that I realized how much I had lost in not taking this precious Vow sooner!
Then it was that I and my two dear younger brothers, who with me symbolized their consecration, and have grown up with me in the Truth, and whose letters accompany this, took the matter up seriously and called upon our dear Brother Sherman. He so clearly showed us the way that at that time we made the Vow our own before the Lord, and have since been wonderfully blessed.
We did not, until now, realize that we had not done our part by you in acknowledging its acceptance; but we do so at this time, hoping that sending our names may bring the greater encouragement to you.
Our earnest prayer is that you may be kept most precious in the Father’s sight! May God bless you, dear brother!
Yours in the one Hope, W. D. CHAPIN.—Calif.
I have been negligent of my duty and privilege of sending in my name as one who has taken the Vow.
Since taking it I have received so many rich blessings that my appreciation and love of it are greatly increased. It helps me each day in the Christian warfare, reminding me of my
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consecration and of my weakness and dependence upon the Lord for the promised grace to help in every time of need.
It has brought very near to me the remembrance that all the Lord’s dear Harvest laborers are praying for me because of our common membership in the Body of Christ! It forcibly brings to mind the need to watch and pray lest I “become a castaway,” and thus helped I have been enabled to overcome, but know that I fall far short of my high aim.
Being quite young and in contact with the world, this precious Vow has helped me to keep myself pure—”unspotted from the world.” Sometimes heart-sick and discouraged, then come the sweet words:
“As thy days so shall thy strength be”; “I will never forsake thee”—the promised grace to help! “Praise ye the Lord for all His benefits!”
Praying for your highest spiritual welfare, I remain
Your brother and fellow-servant in the Lord,
K. E. THOMPSON.—Calif.
Your kind letter of Christmas and New Year greeting with enclosures, just received and much appreciated. We join in most hearty reciprocation of these good wishes. May the dear Lord abundantly bless and continue to use you in His glorious work. We will prize very highly the book-mark with your picture and the beautiful poem and Vow-cards. We also thank you for the book of poems.
Indeed, our hearts fill to overflowing with gratitude to our dear Heavenly Father as we learn more and more of His wonderful “Truth” and each day realize more fully what blessed privileges we are enjoying at the present time. We greatly appreciate, too, your kind assurances that you have our interest at heart. However, we already felt this to be the case.
We note your remarks in your letter that 1912 will doubtless be the most momentous year of the harvest in many respects. This awakens in us fresh zeal and more earnest prayer that we may all be able to stand in the evil hour and prove faithful unto the end.
Praying the Lord’s richest blessings upon you in your tour, and that He may “keep you under the shadow of His wings,” we are, with Christian love,
Your sisters in His name, M. B. CLEVELAND,
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I have just finished reading your sermon in the Manila Times, and it has given me much peace and happiness. I want to learn more of the Bible, but find it obscure so much of the time. In the past I can truthfully say it has been a sealed book to me. But from now on I am going to diligently search the Scriptures for Truth and spiritual guidance.
Any reading matter you can send me to help me toward enlightenment will be most gratefully received. If you will tell me where to secure all of your writings on the Bible I shall gladly send the required amount to get them.
We will leave here in June for San Francisco, Cal., where we expect to remain nine or ten months. While there I desire greatly to take up the systematic study of the Bible. Could you recommend to me some school (or person) there under which I could place myself as a Bible student?
May God bless abundantly your great work is my prayer.
Faithfully yours, MRS. J. DUCKWORTH-FORD.—Philippines.
You will be interested to know a little circumstance which illustrates how the HEAVENLY MANNA can be used of the Lord to draw attention to the Truth.
A brother and sister staying at a strange house left their MANNA on the dresser during the day, so that it might be seen. The help looked at it and liked it very much. This led to the sale of several first volumes and the arousing of considerable interest in the Truth.
Lovingly your brother, WALTER H. BUNDY.
If you will pardon me for taking a little of your valuable time I would be pleased if you will answer the following question:—
In DAWN, Vol. 1, page 232, par. 1, we read as follows: “Our sins He consented to have imputed to Him, that He might bear our penalty for us, and He died on our behalf, as though He were the sinner.” In Vol. 5, page 109, line 23, we also read: “Not imputed to them, but imputed to Him, who bore our sins in His body on the tree.” In Vol. 5, page 444, par. 2, we also read: “That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, but imputing them unto Him.”
Please be kind enough to inform me at your earliest convenience if you have changed your mind as to these teachings, or do you still hold the same views? With earnest prayers that God will be with you and keep you unto the end, I am,
Yours in His dear name, P. L. DERRING.—Va.
Your favor of March 25 is before me. I am pleased to answer its question as follows:
The work of Christ is presented from a variety of standpoints, some showing modifications of one kind and some of another; some stating the matter from the human standpoint and some from the Divine. What we need in all Scriptural matters is to get at the real import.
From God’s standpoint human sin is imputed to Jesus; that is to say, He was provided to be the sinner’s Representative—to pay the price for the release of man from the death sentence; thus God pictures Christ as the serpent raised upon the pole. Thus the Apostle says He was made sin for us, although He knew no sin—He was a sin-offering.
Viewing the matter from the other standpoint, from the human standpoint, we see our own weaknesses and shortcomings, realizing the necessity of our Master’s imputing to us the merit of His sacrifice to make up for our deficiency. Thus the facts agree, whether we state them from one standpoint or another. Our sins were reckoned against Jesus when He died for sin. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to us when we offer ourselves to God and our Great Redeemer and High Priest makes good our deficiency.
With much Christian love,
— May 15, 1912 —
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