R4989-87 Berean Questions In Scripture Studies

::R4989 : page 87::


Series VI., Study VII.—The Law of the New Creation


(55) What should be our earnest endeavor with respect to reaching the mark? P. 373, par. 2.

(56) When we have reached the mark, will there be no further trials for us? P. 373, par. 3.

(57) Will the Law of Love be the standard for all accounted worthy of everlasting life at the close of the Millennial Age? P. 374, par. 1.


(58) What is the Golden Rule, and how is it superior to the highest standard of the natural man? P. 375, par. 1.

(59) How does this rule affect our relationship toward God and toward the brethren? P. 376, par. 1, 2.

(60) Explain how we are “changed from glory to glory” through obedience to the Golden Rule. P. 376, par. 3.



(61) Does the Law of Love, the “law of liberty,” leave the New Creation without proper restraints? P. 377, par. 1.

(62) Will the world of mankind be under this law of liberty during the Millennial Age? P. 378, par. 1, first half.

(63) How do the New Creation properly exercise their liberty? P. 378, par. 1, last half.

(64) What reward will be given those who faithfully use the liberty wherewith Christ makes free, and why is it essential that the New Creation be especially developed and tested as to perfect love? P. 378, par. 2.


Series VI., Study VIII—The Rest or Sabbath of the New Creation

(1) Since the New Creation is in no sense under the Law Covenant, why was Jesus subject to the Law of the Mosaic Sabbath? P. 379, par. 1.

(2) How and when did allegiance to the Law Covenant given to the Jews cease as respected Jesus and His followers? P. 380, par. 1.

(3) Was it difficult for the Jews to realize that the middle wall of partition between them and the Gentiles was broken down by the death of Christ? P. 380, par. 2.

(4) To what purpose was the Jewish Sabbath originally appointed? Was there anything in the Scriptures forbidding these new converts to preach the Gospel on this day of the week? P. 381, par. 1.

(5) Was the early Church commanded of the Lord to specially observe the seventh day (or Sabbath day) or any other day in the week? P. 381, par. 2.


(6) What were the teachings of the Apostles to the Church respecting the various feasts and seasons and days of the Jewish Law? And was the use by the Apostles of the Jewish Synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath an endorsement of the Jewish system? P. 382, par. 1, first half.

(7) Is the Gospel message affected by the building in which, or the day on which, it is proclaimed? P. 382, par. 1, last.

(8) What are the facts respecting the claim that the Christian Sabbath was instituted by the Roman Catholic Church? P. 382, par. 2.

(9) When and because of what circumstances did the proper observance of the first day of the week have its beginning? P. 383, par. 1.

(10) What was commemorated in the “breaking of bread” on the first day of the week by the early Christians, and what did it signify? P. 384, par. 1.


— March 1, 1912 —