R4707-351 Berean Questions In Scripture Studies

::R4707 : page 351::


Series VI., Study III.—The Call of The New Creation


(56) What kind of faith justified the Ancient Worthies? P. 110.

(57) Explain the difference between the justification of the Ancient Worthies and the justification during the Gospel Age. P. 111, par. 1.

(58) What is the significance of justification to life (Rom. 5:18), and how does it affect the New Creation? P. 111, par. 2.

(59) What relation do the Ancient Worthies bear toward this justification to life? P. 111, par. 3. W.T.’10-132.

(60) Explain the principle underlying God’s acceptance of our imperfect works. P. 112, par. 1.

(61) Explain the difference between the test of faith and the test of works, showing to what ages they respectively apply. P. 113, par. 1.

(62) Before whom is it necessary for the sinner to be justified? Explain why it is thus. P. 114, par. 1.

(63) Explain the different position of the Mediator with respect to sin and sinners. P. 114, par. 2.

(64) If all of our Redeemer’s merit was involved in imputing to believers what their sacrifices lacked to make them holy and acceptable, what can he do for the world? And will he similarly impute his merit to the world? Or will he actually surrender it forever on the world’s account? Will the Millennial Kingdom or Mediatorial Kingdom or Emergency Kingdom for man’s uplift be the result of the imputation of Christ’s merit or on account of the actual satisfaction of justice? P. 115, par. 1.


(65) Briefly explain the relation of the New Creation to the Abrahamic Covenant. P. 115, par. 2.

(66) What is evidently the sole object of the Gospel Age? P. 116, par. 1.

(67) What blessing is enjoyed by those who are simply “justified by faith,” and refuse to consecrate? P. 116, par. 2.

(68) Explain how this class receive the grace of God in vain. P. 117, par. 1.

(69) What is evidently the condition of the whole nominal “Christian World” in this respect? P. 117, par. 2,3.

(70) Explain why the merely justified are unable to appreciate “the deep things of God.” P. 118, par. 1.

(71) Would it be reasonable to expect that these should receive special favor in the Millennial Age? P. 118, par. 2.

(72) What three classes alone seem to be profited beyond the present life through this justification by faith? P. 119, par. 1.

(73) To whom will the Kingdom arrangements appeal most strongly at first? P. 119, par. 2.


(74) How is Christ made unto us Sanctification, and can any man sanctify himself aside from the merit of Christ? If not, explain why. P. 119, par. 3.

(75) Why is it necessary to “abide in Christ,” and what is the significance of the text, “Our God is a consuming fire,” in this connection? Pp. 120, 121.

(76) What does sanctification signify, and upon what class alone is it enjoined? P. 121, par. 1.

(77) Explain God’s order with respect to sanctification. P. 122, top.

(78) Will sanctification be required of the world in the Millennial Age? P. 122, par. 1.

(79) While sanctification is a general principle for all God’s creatures, to what class do the Scriptures especially apply this admonition? P. 123, par. 1,2.

(80) Explain the difference between the consecration of the Levites and that of the Priests, in the type, and give the antitypical application. P. 124, par. 1,2.

(81) Explain how a perfect compliance with the terms of our justification must lead us in the end to sanctification. P. 124, par. 3; P. 125, par. 1.


(82) What is the position of those believers who refuse the call to sacrifice? P. 125, par. 2.

(83) Describe the two classes of antitypical Levites. P. 126, par. 1,2,3.

(84) What is the test that will confirm the Great Company as worthy of the Levites’ portion under the Kingdom? P. 127, par. 1,2.

(85) Who were Levi’s three sons, and what were their positions with respect to the Tabernacle in the Wilderness? P. 128, par. 1.

(86) What four classes of justified humanity did these represent? P. 128, par. 2.

(87) State the respective order and rank of these antitypical Levites in the Kingdom. P. 129, par. 1.

(88) Explain why the refusal of any to go on to consecration could not justly merit punishment. P. 129, par. 2.

(89) Explain the antitypical significance of the Levites having no inheritance in the land of Canaan. P. 130, par. 2. W.T.’10-245.

(90) How did the types illustrate the fact that only the fully consecrated, spirit-begotten believers are counted members of the Great High Priest? P. 131, par. 1.


— November 1, 1910 —