R4490-302 The Truth In Asia Minor

::R4490 : page 302::


BELOVED BROTHER IN OUR BLESSED KING:—I consider it my Christian duty to make known to you and to all who elsewhere love our Savior in truth, that I heard about you and your love for the Lord and for his work, through your books, which we have had in our language, the Greek, now for two and a half years. I am sending you this letter because I believe that you will rejoice with me.

In the month of March, last year, I received from one of the Lord’s children, who lives in Crete, some books and tracts of the MILLENNIAL DAWN. By reading I found in them the truth, for which I was hungry and thirsty. So I accept it because it is the true Gospel of Jesus.

When the preacher of the Protestant Church, of which I was a member, heard that I had accepted these truths and that I had written to have more books forwarded for the purpose of distribution, he explained before the Church that these books are not Christian, and that I must neither read them nor give them to others. I replied that the Word of God says, “Prove all things and hold fast that which is good.” (I. Thess. 5:21.) Whereupon they persecuted me, for I had become an “heretic”; and about two weeks after that time they put me into prison on the charge that I was writing objectionable letters and passing them into the American College for Girls. Then the court of Smyrna sent me as an exile to my native country, which is in Epiros, Turkey. I was in prison ten days; and after this they sent me as an exile through Macedonia. In all these tribulations I was very glad, because it was my blessed King’s will. I saw that there in Macedonia he had something to do through me; and about three months were spent ministering according to his will.

I want to let you know that about ten persons, who are Armenian Christians, speaking the Turkish language, are ready to buy some MILLENNIAL DAWN literature. So this year I shall try by the Lord’s help to print something of the Truth in the Turkish language for them. All those who accept the DAWN truths here in Smyrna are about thirty persons, but every day I meet those who are hungering for the Truth as it is in Christ.

I am a Greek, my age is 25, my native country is the “Conitza,” Epiros, Turkey. I have been living here in Smyrna for seven years, and I speak about six languages—Greek, English, Turkish, Albanian, and a little Hebrew and French.

My love to all the friends, G. M.—Smyrna.



I am glad to have your letter of the 7th of June and to note therefrom that you are not only at liberty, but back in your own land and actively engaged again in the proclaiming of the glad tidings. It rejoices me to learn that so many as thirty of the Asiatic Turks have received the good tidings. Give them my greetings, please. We have a pamphlet on the subject of Hell in the Syrian language; order if you can use any of these. Although we have none too much money for the demands, we feel led of the Lord to render you some assistance for the work you are engaged in. Please use it as wisely and carefully and as much to the Lord’s glory as possible, and please also let us have a report respecting its expenditure. Enclosed find draft.

Yours in the love and service of our dear Redeemer,



— October 1, 1909 —