R4402-159 Berean Studies On The Atonement

::R4402 : page 159::



*Five years ago DAWN-STUDIES, VOL. V., was reset, and unfortunately the type was not exactly same size as before; and hence page for page they differ. The references given in these Berean Studies apply to the present edition, a copy of which postpaid will cost you but 30c. But keep your old edition, for unfortunately the new Bible Helps refer to its pages.

Questions on Scripture Study V.—The Spirit of a Sound Mind


(1) In the text, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7), what is the contrast? What is the antithesis to the spirit of a sound mind? Page 249, par. 1.

(2) In this Scripture are we to understand that the four spirits mentioned are persons? or are any of them persons? or are they merely qualities of mind which might appertain to persons—on the human or on the spirit plane? P. 249, par. 1.

(3) If a Christian has a spirit of fear, to what should it be attributed? What is lacking in him when his mind is under the control of such a spirit or influence? And what is the remedy for such an undesirable condition of spirit or mind? P. 249, par. 2.

(4) Does the spirit of Christ take hold upon the strong-minded or the strong-bodied merely, or upon the weak-minded and weak-bodied merely? What is the result in either case? Give Scripture proofs. P. 250, par. 1,2.

(5) In the text quoted (2 Tim. 1:7) what is meant by the “spirit of power”? Does it refer to physical strength or spiritual strength or what? P. 250, par. 3.

(6) Similarly explain “the spirit of love” in the same text. Is it natural love, or what kind? How does it operate? And does it abide or will it pass away? Cite Scripture. P. 250, par. 3.


(7) Are the Lord’s people naturally more sound of mind—better balanced mentally—than the remainder of the world? Or how do they compare on the average? P. 251, par. 1.

(8) What is the effect of the Truth upon the fully consecrated believer begotten of the holy Spirit and taught of God? How does he compare with the average man? P. 251, par. 2.

(9) Explain how it is that there is such diversity of mind and say whether there are many of strictly sound mind. Quote Scriptures. P. 251, par. 3.

(10) What are some of the causes of mental unbalance and in what manner does the holy Spirit rectify natural weaknesses and mental defects? P. 252, par. 1,2.

(11) Give an illustration of the manner in which the spirit of a sound mind rectifies an imperfect judgment. P. 252, par. 2.

(12) Give some illustrations of evidences of mental unsoundness common to the world and often to the Church. P. 252, par. 3.

(13) What is the most general mental ailment as evidenced by asylum statistics, and is the same mental weakness a besetment to Christians? P. 254.

(14) Which is the greater need amongst men, restitution of bodies or of morals or of sound minds? And what would the latter have to do with correcting the two former? P. 254, par. 2.


(15) What quality of mind is the source of the greatest trouble to the world and the greatest to the Christian? What is the antidote or remedy which the Scriptures set forth? P. 254, par. 2.

(16) What is the antidote for that poisoned condition of mind styled “the spirit of fear”? Cite the Scriptural antidote. P. 255, par. 1,2.

(17) Does the spirit of the Truth correct over-confidence and under-confidence?—How? Cite the Scriptures. P. 255, par. 3.

(18) Why is it that the heavenly hopes and promises appeal to some and not to others equally educated and intelligent otherwise? Explain the philosophy. P. 256, 257.

(19) What is the answer of the “spirit of a sound mind” to our Lord’s inquiry, “What will a man exchange for his soul”—his being, his existence? P. 258, par. 1.

(20) How were we redeemed from vain conversation and how does the spirit of a sound mind give a new viewpoint to every affair of life? P. 258, par. 2; P. 259, par. 1.

(21) Which ambitions are restrained by the heavenly promises and which are encouraged and developed thereby? Cite Scriptures on the subject and show their application. P. 259, par. 2,3.


(22) Show the philosophy of how the spirit of a sound mind deepens and broadens character. What if anything opposes this? Cite the Scriptures. P. 260, par. 1.

(23) If patience, sympathy, generosity, love, godlikeness are elements of a sound mind, show how these qualities become more developed and appreciated. P. 260, par. 2.

(24) What is the effect of the spirit of a sound mind in the home? How does it operate? What is the motive or mainspring? P. 260, par. 3.

(25) Will the spirit of a sound mind make its possessor the best husband or wife, the best sister or brother, the best parent or the best child? Why so or why not? Give the philosophy of the matter. P. 261.

(26) What is sure to be the effect of this spirit of a sound mind? P. 262, par. 1.

(27) Cite one of the evidences of the unsoundness of human judgment. Cite the Scriptural admonition touching the defect. P. 262, par. 2.

(28) Who may have this spirit now and is there hope that others may have it in the future? Cite the Scriptures. P. 262, par. 3.

(29) Is there anything to suggest or to prove that the spirit of a sound mind, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of common sense, is a spirit being which comes into us, or is it simply an instruction, a basis of proper, sound reason?


— May 15, 1909 —