R4202-207 Berean Studies On The Atonement

::R4202 : page 207::



*Five years ago DAWN-STUDIES, VOL. V., was reset, and unfortunately the type was not exactly the same size as before; and hence page for page they differ. The references given in these Berean Studies apply to the present edition, a copy of which postpaid will cost you but 30c. But keep your old edition, for unfortunately the New Bible helps refer to its pages.

Questions on Study V.—The Author of the Atonement


(78) Is it the Father or the Son that is styled the King of kings and Lord of lords? P.78.

(79) Does this refer to the Father or how otherwise shall we understand it? P.78, last par.

(80) Cite and explain other similar passages. I Cor. 15:27; Col. 2:10. P.79, par. 1.

(81) Would the passage “thought it not robbery to be equal with God” prove the trinity doctrine? If both were one how could one think of robbing himself? P.79, par. 2.

(82) What did our Lord Jesus testify respecting his equality with the Father? And did he not tell the truth? P.79, par. 2.


(83) What appears to be the Apostle’s argument—what point is he proving in Phil. 2:6? P.79, last par.

(84) Is there any evidence that this verse is improperly translated? If so, what? P.80, par. 1.

(85) Give, in order, different translations of the verse: By Clarke, Wakefield, Stewart, Rotherham, Revised Version, American Revision Committee, Sharpe, Neeland, Dickenson, Turnbull, and the Emphatic Diaglott. Pp.80, 81.

(86) In view of all this array of scholarship, what must we conclude that the passage teaches? P.81, last par.

(87) What great spirit being took a very different course? Give proof-text. P.81, last par.

(88) What quality in Jesus shines out preeminently in contrast with what quality in Satan? P.81, last par.


(89) What reward was bestowed on the Son by the Father? and on what account? Cite the Scriptures. P.82, top.

(90) Can such rewarding be harmonized with the idea of oneness of person or with original equality between the Father and the Son? Page 82, par. 1.

(91) Are we enjoined nevertheless to honor the Son whom the Father exalted, even as we honor the Father who exalted him? P.82, par. 2.

(92) Quote a Scripture passage showing the distinct separateness of the Father and the Son as persons, and also the relationship of their work. P.82, par. 2.

(93) Does the Scripture, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” favor the thought that Father and Son are one in person? Note the entire passage. Ephesians 1:2-18. P.82, par. 3.





(1) Who is the Great One whom Jehovah has exalted to so high honor? What has he done to merit it? What is he yet to do in his high exaltation? P.83.

(2) Did our Lord Jesus have a preexistence? What was he before he was “made flesh”? P.84, par. 1.

(3) Was he then “a good” or mighty one? And if so, what was his name? P.84, par. 2.

(4) In that pre-human existence, was the Son in some sense “before” all creatures in time as well as in rank? P.84, par. 3.

(5) Why did the Son stoop to human conditions? Was it of compulsion? P.84, par. 4.

(6) Was his humiliation to human conditions intended to be eternal? Explain fully. P.84, par. 5.

(7) Did Jesus’ resurrection restore him to the spirit plane? P.84, par. 6.

(8) Of what station is our Lord Jesus now? P.85, par. 1.


(9) Why was our Lord in his prehuman existence known as The Word or The Logos? P.85, par. 2.

(10) What does Dr. Alex Clarke say of this word Logos? P.85, par. 2.

(11) Show the fitness of the name to the Son, and give an illustration of a King’s Logos? P.85, par. 3.

(12) Does the Greek text of John 1:1 show two persons and refer to both as God? P.86, par. 1.

(13) Is there anything in the Greek text to differentiate these two persons who are both styled God? What and how should the verse be translated to show its Greek value? P.86, par. 1,2.

(14) What beginning is here referred to? P.86, par. 3.


— July 1, 1908 —