R3900-374 Berean Studies In “Tabernacle Shadows”

::R3900 : page 374::


In the references below, Z. represents this journal and T. stands for Tabernacle Shadows. The references should be given to brethren and sisters for reading in the classes. Free comment should be permitted after each reading.




  1. What did the nation of Israel frequently typify? T.25, par. 2, 3.

  2. What did Israel typify in its relation to the Tabernacle? T.25, par. 3, to 26, par. 1.

  3. What did the Levites typify? T.26, par. 2.

  4. What did the Aaronic priesthood typify? T.26, par. 2 to 4.

  5. Who is the head of the antitypical priesthood? Heb. 3:1; T.27, par. 1.

  6. What is the significance in the tribe of Levi having existed before the priesthood was instituted? T.27, par. 2.

  7. What is the significance of the fact that in the ordination of the priesthood the Chief Priest was always first? T.28, par. 1, 2.

  8. What did the ceremony of the anointing signify and typify? T.28, par. 3.


  1. What was the significance of Aaron’s being washed before putting on the garments of “glory and beauty”? T.29, par. 1.

  2. What were the High Priest’s garments of “glory and beauty”? and what did they typify in general? Ex. 28:4; T.29, par. 2, 3.

  3. What did the white linen “coat” represent? T.29, par. 4.

  4. What was the “mitre”? and what did it typify? T.29, par. 5.

  5. Describe the golden plate or “crown.” What did it typify? and why was it fastened with a blue lacer to the “mitre”? T.30, par. 1; T.29, par. 5.

  6. What was the significance of the “linen girdle”? T.30, par. 2.

  7. Describe the “upper robe.” What did its color (blue) and its golden bells and pomegranates signify? T.30, par. 3.

  8. How was the “ephod” made? and what was the significance of its two parts with their golden clasps? T.30, par. 4.

  9. What did the “curious girdle” signify? T.33, par. 1.


  1. Respecting the statement on page 33, par. 2, “Sealed with the sacrifice of himself once for all,” are the members of his body all counted in with the Head in this work of sealing the New Covenant? and has the great High Priest yet finished this work of sealing and confirming the New Covenant? and has it gone into effect? or will this all be accomplished with the passing beyond the vail of the last member of the body, the sprinkling of the blood of the sin-offering, and the coming forth in glory robes for the blessing of the people? Z.’05-378 (1st col. par. 1.)

  2. Why is that part of the “ephod” representing the Abrahamic Covenant still incomplete? T.33, par. 3.

  3. What is meant by “the Seed of Abraham”? Gal. 3:16,29; T.33, par. 3.


  1. How do we know that the natural seed of Abraham will not be members of the great antitypical High Priest? T.33, par. 4.

  2. What part will natural Israel have in fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant? and upon what conditions? T.34, par. 1.

  3. What did the colors of the “ephod” signify? T.34, par. 2.

  4. How was the “breastplate of judgment” worn, and what did it represent? T.34, par. 3.

  5. How did natural Israel regard the Covenant (represented by the ephod), and the Law (represented by the breastplate), and why? T.34, par. 3.


  1. Describe the Law emblem (the breastplate). Why was it bound upon the High Priest’s heart? T.35, par. 1.

  2. What were the dimensions of the breastplate? and what the significance of its being a span long and a span wide when doubled? T.35, par. 2.

  3. What was the significance of its being doubled, and what did each half represent? T.35, par. 3.

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  1. What is the precious significance of the breastplate being suspended by a gold chain from the gold clasps of the “ephod”? T.36, par. 1.

  2. What did Aaron represent when clothed in these beautiful robes and anointed with the holy oil? T.36, par. 2.

  3. How were the under priests, “the body,” clothed, and what was the significance of their garments? T.36, par. 3, 4.

  4. What beautiful and appropriate antitypical application does the Apostle Paul make to the Gospel Church in this connection? T.36, par. 3; F.271, par. 1-3.

  5. How was the anointing oil applied, and what did this ceremony typify primarily? T.37, par. 1.

  6. Why was the anointing oil poured only upon Aaron’s head, and not upon the under priests? T.37, par. 2.

  7. What is the antitype of this anointing in its secondary significance? T.37, par. 2, 3; E.304 to 305, par. 1; F.132, par. 1.

  8. From what standpoint should we view Aaron thus robed and anointed? T.38, par. 1.


— December 1, 1906 —