::R3744 : page 89::
THE convention at Canton, O., was a decided success so far as human judgment could determine. Nearby towns were well represented—as many as twenty-three came from Cleveland. The morning text was, Mark 9:47,48. Many of you received the daily press report of that discourse. The afternoon session for the public was well attended. The Opera House was crowded—about 1500 persons gave close attention for two hours to our discourse on “To Hell and Back.” The friends at Canton must have advertised extensively, for the day was not favorable for a large attendance.
The friends of the Allegheny Church thought that Pittsburgers should have a chance to hear on the subject. They secured Pittsburg Carnegie Hall and advertised liberally a meeting for Sunday evening, March 4, for the topic, “To Hell and Back.” They did nobly, and on a stormy night packed the house with a most intelligent audience, which gave closest attention and in various ways indicated deep interest in what they heard. The official count of the attendance was 2,614. A number of friends were present from surrounding towns. The regular afternoon service was held in Bible House Chapel: the discourse of that occasion you have in the secular press.
— March 15, 1906 —
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