::R2850 : page 238::
A SHORT time ago we proposed arranging for a wide-margin Bible, and selected the new Linear Bible as being in every way the best, most up-to-date Teachers’ Bible published—possessing an excellent Concordance, and giving in the text the readings of both the Common Version and the Revised Version in good, readable type, and of a size not extremely bulky. On the adjoining page we lay before our readers what the publishers have to say in favor of the Linear Bible, and their regular prices for them; also a sample page, showing style of type, etc. By special arrangement we can procure a large quantity of these Bibles for WATCH TOWER subscribers at a very much lower rate than the prices at which they are usually sold. And additionally we can have inserted eighty photographs of the Holy land and vicinity; and have the outer margin made 1 inch wide.
At first it was proposed that TOWER readers should in this margin make reference memoranda to the five volumes of MILLENNIAL DAWN, and the last six years’ issues of the WATCH TOWER,—opposite each verse, throughout this Bible. Subsequently, however, considering how much labor this would mean—how many hours and days would thus be spent, and how many would fail entirely to secure the desired results, and how many others would blot and blur, and only secure unsatisfactory results, we concluded to see what could be done in the way of printing these references in the margin. We find, as hinted in our last issue, that it will be quite an expense, both of labor and of money, to publish the Bible in this manner. But we reflect that when complete it would be one of the greatest blessings to the Lord’s people interested in present truth that could possibly be prepared for them; and this would compensate for much trouble. It would be a Bible Commentary arranged in the most satisfactory manner ever designed. It would give the dear friends, as they meet in various parts of the world for the study of the Lord’s Word, an opportunity of having the Editor present with them at each meeting, to offer suggestions respecting the meaning of the texts. This would not mean, of course, that his suggestions would be considered indisputable or infallible, but merely that he would be present with the little companies of the Lord’s people throughout the whole world, to discuss with them the Father’s Word and to assist as much as possible in throwing a correct light upon its meaning.
We have already received a large number of responses on the basis of our first announcement of a blank wide margin, and unless countermanded we will understand these to be for the Bible as now proposed. But now we invite postal cards from all subscribers who have not responded, who would like to have the Bible as it is now proposed it shall be; namely, with the references in the margin. It is quite possible that we would never get out another edition, and we believe that every WATCH TOWER reader who can afford it at all should have the Bible proposed, in the cheaper or better binding.
We now propose that if we receive responses from 2,000, we will proceed to publish the Bible as stated, charging the following prices: In “French Seal,” divinity circuit, gold edges, linen lined, $2.00, including postage. In “Persian Seal” (Morocco), gold edges, leather-lined, $3.00, including postage. These prices will apply only to those who place their orders in advance and thus guarantee us against loss. We may publish a few more than will be represented by the orders, but they will be sold at higher prices. It is our opinion that every WATCH TOWER reader who secures one of these best books, will consider it worth $10—that he would not sell it for $10. We invite postal cards at once, that the matter may be determined upon. We expect to have them all alike, none with thumb index, which would spoil the references. Send your postal cards at once, but send no money until the books are announced as ready,—which will probably be not much before Christmas.
— July 15, 1901 —
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