::R2367 : page 295::
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I was much encouraged to receive yours of the 8th instant, and you indeed stated the matter correctly, for it was a great pleasure to me to be able to minister the truth to others, and where the opposition was the strongest, the Lord stood the closer by me and strengthened me. How I wish I could labor more in the service of the Lord than I do, just for that “sweet comfort and peace” that the Lord gives to those who rejoice in telling his truth. I find the more I labor the more I receive.
I am very glad to hear of Brother Ransom’s contemplated tour in Texas this Winter, and I am sure that his visit will be productive of much good here. I have often wished I could meet some of the “pilgrims,” and now it seems that my wish is to be gratified. As soon as I receive card announcing the time Bro. Ransom will arrive, we will make all necessary arrangements, and I will be glad to meet Bro. R. at the depot. I am of the opinion that the conditions existing here in the past have been an exception to the general run of events in other cities, and on account of such conditions I think the Lord has by various circumstances withheld the sickle of truth from being thrust in as thoroughly as it would otherwise have been. We wish to begin a systematic distribution of tracts at the different churches in this city, and to this end will be glad to have a further supply of tracts, and for the German-Lutheran churches we would be glad to have some tracts printed in the German language. Another Brother and myself have been distributing tracts in this manner, standing about a block away from the church;—so as to avoid the appearance of a “special attack.”
If you arrange for Bro. R. to stop at the places I have just recently visited, I would be glad to render what assistance I could in notifying interested ones of his arrival. If I can be of any service, advise me.
Yours in Christ,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I wish to tell you that your recent TOWER articles have been a great help to me, especially the one entitled “Purify Your Hearts, Ye Double-Minded.” It led me to examine myself more closely, and in so doing I found in myself more or less of double-mindedness which, by the grace of God, I am earnestly endeavoring to overcome, and I am so pleased to tell you that I am making blessed progress. I more than ever realize my privilege of being an overcomer if I only will to do his will. The article, “Ye Serve the Lord Christ,” has also been a great help to me; it has taught me to be more faithful in little things in my every-day life, seeking to please him and cultivating Love more diligently in thought, word and deed; and Oh, the result is so grand: it gives sweetest rest and holy peace. It also serves to stir others up around us to let them know by our conduct that we are seeking to come closer to Jesus and more nearly to overcome the weakness of the fallen flesh, thereby making of ourselves living epistles. Oh, that we may all be kept humble and faithful to the end of our journey, is my earnest and sincere prayer. I desire an earnest interest in your prayers as I also always remember you with all the faithful of the household of faith.
With warmest Christian love, I remain,
Your humble servant in Christ,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Brother M. L. McPhail came Saturday and held a meeting at Bro. Zorn’s that evening. There were about fifteen present. On Sunday we had three meetings at our home, and many more came than I expected. I was so hungry to hear from “home” and to have someone to commune with who could expound these precious truths. When your card came, saying that Brother McPhail would be here on the 14th, I at once conferred with Bro. Zorn, arranged for the meetings and met Bro. M. at the depot.
There are quite a number of Seventh-day Adventists in this neighborhood, and some came to ask questions and to tell what their belief is; and how patient Bro. M. was, and how determined that all questions should be settled by God’s Word alone! I cannot tell you how much good it did to those who came to hear him; but I can tell you that it filled my heart with gladness to hear him preach the good tidings. How any one can hear and not believe is a wonder to me, and I thank our Lord for his blessing. Hereafter, whenever any of our “Pilgrim” brethren pass near us, surely have them stop—my home will welcome all whom you may commend.
The WATCH TOWER is a great comfort to me, and my prayer to God is that he may bless and strengthen you.
Your Sister in Christ,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I want to give you a brief report of the meetings held here in conjunction with Brother Rogers’ visit. We anticipated his coming with pleasure, and our expectations are more than realized. We had a blessed time indeed. How kind and gracious the Lord has been to us! Altho some outsiders received a blessing, it seems that the Lord intended specially to confer a blessing upon the little, lonely, scattered flock in this neighborhood. Our meetings were well attended, especially the second one, at which I think there were over 30 present. Brothers Jordan, Hampton and Weir were with us during the entire time, and symbolized their consecration by immersion with four of us here, making seven immersions. Bro. R. will no doubt give you all the names in full. The Baptist people kindly consented to let us use their baptistry, so we gathered there after the evening service to obey the Lord’s command, and after the service we all felt happy and realized the Lord’s favor and blessing more than ever. It has stimulated us to zeal and energy in overcoming and serving him more faithfully and joyfully with the best of our time and talents. One visible result of the meetings is that we have found several brethren and sisters who have been for some time searching for light in different directions, and we trust that they are true wheat and will be found of the truth and gladly receive and embrace it. We are truly grateful to our Lord for his kindness and mercy to us and also to his humble servants who were used of him to confer the blessings. Trusting that he will deem us worthy of another shower of the same kind before long and praying a continuance of his favors and blessings upon all his faithful servants and indeed all the household, we remain,
Yours in Love and fellowship of the truth,
::R2367 : page 296::
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Our August WATCH TOWER has just come, and I wish to thank you again and again for the words of strength and encouragement in its first article (have not had time to read all). It seems that as the time is shorter for you to work here in the body, you are given words to say, just the words that shall be a mighty power through God’s blessing, when you shall be through with the work of writing with pen. Many faults in myself that I little thought were in me have you brought to my knowledge, and have opened my own heart, and I earnestly and joyfully thank you that you wounded to heal. We need not say we wish to be cleansed from all unrighteousness and then flinch when the cleansing comes. I think the very fact that some, yea many, sharp truths cut as we read them, is something to make us rejoice, as it shows that our Father is answering our prayers for cleansing: that we are his loved children tho we be still far from perfect. Because only those whom God loves as sons have their eyes opened to self to any extent; others, if they get but a glimpse of some hidden fault, will take refuge in anger and go faster and faster backward.
Our daughter is an earnest Christian, doing every thing unpleasant or pleasant, as the duty may be, as unto the Lord. She and I both pray earnestly each night for you, never forgetting, no matter how weary or sick we may be, and I am sure there are very many who have been blessed by your ministry who, like us, daily pray for you.
Your Sister in the faith,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—A letter received from my people at home and one from Brother Draper go to show that great good has been accomplished by his visit to that locality, and that his visit was highly appreciated. I am truly thankful for this good news. About thirty attended each of the three meetings he held there, and all were interested, and those in the truth greatly benefited. As the Brother gave several discourses last year without the chart, he used it this time to good advantage.
The Washington friends are very glad to know that Brother Henninges will so soon be with us, and I am sure his visit will be timely and, I might say, providential; as just at this time there are several newly interested ones who have expressed a great desire to have someone give a chart discourse for their own benefit and the benefit of some of their friends who are likewise becoming interested through them. There will be about eight for immersion on this occasion, and this truly is a reason for much rejoicing and praise to God.
It seems that those coming into the truth now make much faster progress in knowledge of the deep things of God than heretofore, and I have been wondering if this is true in other places. May it not be that, as the time draws on for the closing of the door of opportunity, they who enter become more speedily enlightened regarding the deeper things? It certainly would seem that way so far as my observation goes.
Brother Hayes, formerly of Rock Island, called on me to-day, and we had a pleasant visit together in the office. He and Sister Hayes will meet with us next Sunday at our Anacostia meeting and will remain over to the meetings to be held by Bro. Henninges. We are having more than our usual allotment of meetings of late, and the more we have the better the friends here seem to like it. We certainly cannot have too many of the character we are having here now. We all enjoy them so much. We know that your prayers are with us, and you may be sure that all the Bible House friends have a share in our prayers, and may the dear Lord shower rich blessings upon all of like precious faith with us, be they near or far.
With Christian love to all the Church at Allegheny, I remain,In Christ,
Brother J. A. BOHNET
[Since the above was written, Brother Henninges has visited the Church at W. We have further good reports; eight were baptized.—EDITOR.]
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Thank you for your letter of last week with its good wishes for my brother and his wife. I have not pressed the “present truth” upon them very urgently, but will still watch for opportunities and use them gladly.
::R2367 : page 296::
Yesterday (Sunday) I found my way out to the foot of Wilson Av., where our “brethren” gathered on the Lake front for a symbolic baptism service. We had our morning service in a fishing tent, seated around upon boards, caring little indeed for our surroundings, feeding upon the Word of life as set before us by Bro. M. L. McPhail, and showing forth God’s praises in hymns and prayers from full hearts. Then followed eleven baptisms, six men and five women. Then we spread lunch under the trees on a pretty little hillock, and afterward held an open air meeting on the same spot. Bro. McPhail discoursed by request upon Paul’s “absent from the body, present with the Lord” and context, answering questions and inviting them. He had a very quiet and earnest little flock of listeners—of several nationalities, American, Scotch, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German and Polish, certainly, and possibly others. About fifty in all, men, women and children.
Before the morning service I looked in some wonder at the unattractive faces of some of the women, evidently used to continuous hard work and weariness. When I talked to them my wonder changed to another sort: the heavy faces lighted, and I discovered that their owners were not so dull as they had appeared; they seemed to know just where they stood, and were able to give a reason for the hope that is in them. And then I realized that even the plainest countenances were free from all hardness and bitterness, and I praised God for his great power unto salvation, and his sweet and wonderful ways.
The Lord’s poor,—how different from the rest of the poor! And the quiet ways of these people, how different from some of less understanding in the divine Word! “The grave in front, a hating world in rear” seemed only to make them earnest, sober, patient, but not to have any terrors for them. “We must suffer with Christ before we can reign with him,” a Danish Sister said, quite understandingly setting “Christian Science” aside. I am told that some of these people have scarcely missed a Sunday meeting in five and six years. Praying ever the Lord’s blessing upon you all at the Bible House,
with much Christian love,
— October 1, 1898 —
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