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DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I am again in the harvest field. What a privilege not only to feast ourselves upon the fat things, but to feed others as well. When we take Brother Paul’s advice, and present our bodies living sacrifices to God and his service, there seems to be a change in our being. We continually grow in love to God, in heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. It seems to me, dear Brother, that we sometimes realize in our own hearts, to some extent at least (notwithstanding our weakness under the Adamic
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fall), the wonderful sympathy and love our dear Savior manifested toward the city of Jerusalem, when, but a few days before he suffered, he wept over the city, and, again, as they pierced him on the cross, he uttered that wonderful prayer, “Father, forgive them.” I used to read those things with deep interest, and could hardly realize such great love; but now I not only realize it, but see my own privilege to share that same love, and to sacrifice for the sake of others.
Yours in the service of the Master,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have just finished this week’s work, and wish you to know that I am still fighting away, and still trusting in our dear Redeemer, who died that we might live. And I do thank our Heavenly Father that I am so privileged to be used of him in spreading the “glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.”
I met a dear brother to-day, who seemed to be thoroughly consecrated to God’s service. He has some truth, and I hope DAWN will help him to more. He had only to look at it a moment to see that it was something good. Perhaps you do not just realize how good it makes me feel to meet anyone I can grasp by the hand and call “brother.” When we meet so much error everywhere, it is such a delightful contrast to meet one of like precious faith—one who is on the Rock. I took one hundred and forty orders this week; and owe many thanks to Brother Rogers for his helping hand, enabling me to do so much better than previously.
Your brother in Christ, WM. McALPINE.
MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—We received the three Bibles, etc., in good condition, and are well pleased with them. I also received your kind letter of May 30. It encourages me to press on. I am heavy laden with cares, but strength is graciously supplied to me; and I trust that I shall never become overcharged. I surely can see the hand of the Lord leading me on. All my ways, my thoughts, my words and desires, are known to him; and I desire to keep that thought always before me: it is a safeguard against the many snares of the devil.
I have received and read the June 1st TOWER. The article, “The Lord’s Sheep,” is good. How glad I am that I ever heard the Good Shepherd’s voice! I will endeavor to follow wherever he leads, for the path is safe, and will end in glory. The knowledge of the good Shepherd, who he is, what he has done for his sheep and what he is still doing for us, has drawn out my love for him; and I desire to follow him because I love him. Dear Shepherd, keep me ever near thee, is my prayer. Amen.
The article, “The Relative Claims of Love and Justice,” has opened my eyes as never before. I have read it twice, carefully, and I want to keep it before me continually. I never saw so much in justice before. I see that justice is what is needed in this world more than anything else. I see now that justice is righteousness; and there can be no peace on earth until justice is established in it; but we have the “sure word of prophecy” pointing out a time when the “people shall be all righteous,” and inherit the land for ever.—Isa. 60:21.
Your brother in Christ, N. BARRETT, SR.
DEAR FRIENDS:—How the WATCH TOWER grows on one! It breathes the Spirit of Truth. I look upon the letters from friends and workers published in the TOWER as one of its strong features, and take great pleasure in reading them all—they are so clean and honest and straight-forward.
With best wishes, I remain Yours truly,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I am digging down into the three volumes of DAWN, trying my best to get its treasures; for I find that all the truth does not lie on the surface. Each time I read them through I grasp the truth more firmly.
Please send me the TOWER for April 15th, and the one treating the first chapter of John. Never before did anything open up so beautifully to my mind.
Yours in love and truth, R. P. PHELPS.
DEAR FRIENDS:—I failed to receive the TOWER of April 15th. If you have one I would be glad to have it. I feel it a great loss to miss a single number. Would be pleased to receive a few tracts for distribution.
A few of us, here, are endeavoring to walk in the strait, narrow way of self-denial, trusting in the ransom sacrifice of our blessed Redeemer, and endeavoring to walk in his footsteps. Oh, how wonderful that we are invited to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amazing grace!
We are circulating a few DAWNS and other publications of the Tract Society in our thinly settled section, though there are but few that have the hearing ear. Yet how clear and refreshing is the truth to the household of faith! I feel I have but a little while to stay in the flesh. I have passed the seventieth mile-post, and hope soon to be like my Lord, and see him as he is. Yours in hope, G. S. PERRY.
— July 1 & 15, 1893 —
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