R1261-8 Special Items To Regular Readers

::R1261 : page 8::


READERS WILL PLEASE NOTICE that this issue constitutes Number 12 of Vol. XI. The next issue will be an Extra, so that Vol. XII. can begin with the new year. As we intend using printed address slips hereafter, we are revising our lists now, and desire to hear at once from all whose subscriptions expire with this volume or year—whether they desire to renew or to have their paper stopped. The same notice applies to all who, because of infirmities, etc., are in the habit of receiving the TOWER free as the Lord’s poor. ALL such are expected to notify us now if they desire our visits for the coming year. See terms on first page, and remember that the interested ones, too poor to pay, are supplied as willingly as any. Attend to this at once, please.


PLEASE DO NOT ask us for credit on Bibles and other books. We have not the means to grant such requests, much as we love and would like to accommodate you all. The small credit allowed to MILLENNIAL DAWN colporteurs is an exception to this rule.


— November, 1890 —