R1248-8 Old Theology Tracts

::R1248 : page 8::


These tracts are published quarterly, at a very low price, by the Tower Tract Society. They are designed for general circulation among Christian people. They are on live topics, calculated to awaken interest in the study of God’s Word and plan.

All of God’s children, interested, are welcome to assist in this work in any way they may choose. These as pebbles from the brook may do more sometimes in the hands of God’s faithful than can greater institutions. (1 Sam. 17:40.) Let this “hail” be freely scattered—not to injure but to liberate and bless God’s people and to bring them out of the short beds of human tradition, whose narrow hopes expose them ever to the chills of fear and hinder true rest and confidence and trust. (Isa. 28:19-21.) These tracts we believe are helping many, delivering them from the torment of fear (which must be “a vexation unto them, until He shall make them to understand doctrine”) into the light and liberty and love of a fuller appreciation of their Father’s character and plan.


No. 1—Do the Scriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin? No. 2—Calamities,—Why God Permits Them. No. 3—Protestants, Awake!—How Priestcraft Now Operates. No. 4—Dr. Talmage’s View of the Millennium—With Friendly Comments. No. 5—Bible Study and Students’ Helps. No. 6—The Hope of the Groaning Creation.


For terms see second page of each tract.

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The Tract Society offers as follows:—It will supply five tracts, quarterly, free, to each of the Lord’s Poor of the Watch Tower List, or one tract, quarterly, to any poor person who may write mentioning this offer.

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The Tract Society also offers to employ


to sell these Tracts. They may sell them at the popular price of one cent each, at which rate hundreds can be sold everywhere—in depots, stores, street cars and at the door-step. For use in this particular way, the tracts will be supplied 50 assorted for 25 cents. This will enable and encourage many little ones to spread the truth. Trial Packs (of 10 tracts) will be supplied for 5 cents. And any child who has not the money may have one trial pack on credit.



— December, 1890 —