R1201-1 Brother Adamson’s Latest

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[Brother Adamson sends us the following as his view and report of the Memorial Meetings, and says he hopes we will let him have his “say” in full—without any editorial trimming. We have, therefore, handed his letter to the type-setters without even reading it.—EDITOR.]

With much pleasure I give a few of my impressions regarding the late Memorial Supper and succeeding meetings to the household of faith scattered abroad. The feast began on April 2nd when brethren and sisters of like precious faith began to assemble and greet each other in joy and love most fervent, but followed quickly by the opening and study of Bibles.

There was a formal close of the various meetings on the following Sunday night, but the full close was not until one full week was spent in joyous feasting on our Lamb and the truth now due.

As repentant Israel kept “other seven days,” so those now “scattered abroad” kept the feast seven days, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.—2 Chron. 30:1-23; 1 Cor. 5:8.

I cannot here report the numerous questions asked and answered, or even name the topics taken up, during the sessions which filled almost the whole days. One after the other testified that Brother R. is “apt to teach” and agreed that they would return home with all their questions answered and all shadow of doubt removed.

But in a general way we can note that on Thursday forenoon a number of quiet but thrilling testimonies were given as to how the truth reached the speakers, and concerning their bitter experiences after having eaten the “little book,” and yet how faithful God is to all those not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.

In the afternoon Bro. Russell gave a most clear and forcible sermon on baptism, preparatory to the baptism service which followed.

Of the following glorious six days we can say no more than name some of the topics discussed, viz.: Tabernacle Teachings; The Wages of Sin; Faith Cure, as seen from the standpoint of God’s Plan; The Unpardonable Sin; The Seven Millennial Views of Rev. 20 and 21; etc., etc.

On Sunday night another series of testimonies to God’s favor and faithfulness were given. Bro. Louder was specially “loud” in expressions of joy and thankfulness to God for the knowledge gained and the richness of the spiritual food, and this he could do with much more reason from the standpoint of God’s loving plan than when shouting as a “pillar” of Methodism under its limited, confusing view. Another, but a few months ago a champion of Presbyterianism, was almost as “loud” as any, stating that during this one meeting he had learned more about God’s love and wisdom as expressed in his holy word than in all the Presbytery meetings he had ever attended.

In large attendance, ability, earnestness and love of those who either spoke publicly (we regard all as preachers) or heard, we believe each succeeding Passover meeting is more successful than the preceding, and this just held has filled all its participants with joy and peace confidence and love, faith and hope. Who can doubt that still more desirable results will follow than from previous quickenings? The harvest is surely riper than it was a year ago, while Satan with his delusive seductions and in garments of (new) light (another gospel) is busy. It becomes us then to know and hold firmly the one gospel—the ransom—and thus clothed in the panoply of Christ’s righteousness we shall be able to stand in the faith and in love. J. B. ADAMSON.


— April, 1890 —