R0487-8 The Battle Hot

::R0487 : page 8::


The warfare between good and evil waxes intense. Right and wrong are struggling for the mastery. Every individual child of God is beset with countless snares and dangers. Temptations and lusts surround them on every side, and—

“The meanest foe of all the train
Has thousands and ten thousands slain.”

And yet we need not despair. The Captain of our salvation is able to deliver us, for he himself has met and vanquished every foe. In him we are safe, under him we shall be victorious. He maketh us always to triumph in him. He subdueth our enemies under us. “Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Without him we shall surely die, but trusting him we shall never perish, and no one can pluck us out of our Father’s hand.

“Fear not, brethren, joyful stand
On the borders of your land.
Jesus Christ, our Father’s Son,
Bids us undismayed go on.”
The Observer.


— May, 1883 —