R5255-172 1913 – General Conventions – 1913

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::R5255 : page 172::


LAST year, difficulty was experienced because our Convention gathering at Washington was too large and unwieldy. This year we are seeking to avoid such an experience by increasing the number of Conventions and scattering them. Not only are moderate-sized Conventions found more enjoyable and more edifying, but additionally they are much less expensive and permit, therefore, a larger attendance—many finding it possible to go a short distance who cannot well afford the time and expense of a long journey. It is quite proper that these matters should be taken into consideration by you in making your arrangements for Convention privileges and blessings, and also by the Society in making the arrangements for such Conventions. This is but exercising the spirit of a sound mind.

In all of the Conventions, practically the same average of daily expense will be incurred; namely, from $1.25 a day and upward. The $1.25 rate will secure reasonable, comfortable entertainment, but, of course, not a separate room, and only plain, wholesome food. If in some instances it should be possible to do better than this, be assured that we will give you all the advantage possible. The Society merely acts for you in making the arrangements. And it is much better that we make the arrangements and assignments in advance.

When a big crowd begins to arrive, it is quite a temptation to human nature to raise the price. It is all right for those who expect to pay $2.50 to $5.00 per day at a hotel to come without any previous arrangement, if they choose; but it makes trouble for everybody if those who want cheap accommodations come to the Convention place without any arrangements, and begin to bid for places we have already secured and have assigned to others. None of the Lord’s children willingly do this, and yet it is done nearly every year. We ask all to help us this year by co-operating with the Society and not taking up, at a higher price, lodgings, etc., which we have already secured to others. With this fair notice, any who do this this year will be asked to vacate.


In due time a representative of the Society will be sent to each Convention point to arrange for all the available and desirable quarters, and to make the assignments according to your requests and to send you a memorandum of the locality assigned to you, so that you may arrive, knowing just where you are going, and so that the entertainer will know just who is coming. Be assured that the representative will follow your instructions as far as possible, and with care.

These representatives will be addressed “Laymens Home Missionary Movement,” and addresses will be given in these columns (page 2) in due time—two to three weeks in advance of each Convention.


We are getting out programs giving the names of speakers, and the railway rates in connection with each Convention. When you decide which Convention you will attend, please write for the program, which will be sent free.

Below find a complete list of the Conventions. Brother Russell hopes to attend them all, but he will probably be unable to give more than two days at each.


Pertle Springs (Warrensburg), Mo. . . . . . June 1-8.
Hot Springs, Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” 1-8.
Los Angeles, Cal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 11-15.
San Francisco, Cal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” 14-16.
Madison, Wis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 29-July 6.
Springfield, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .July 13-20.
Asheville, N.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 20-27.
Toronto, Can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 20-27.
London, England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug. 1-4.
Glasgow, Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 23-24.

We have arranged to have about fifteen public speakers of ability at each of these Conventions. Besides these, there will be a goodly number of considerable ability to assist in symposiums.

For the most part, we are leaving the evenings without special appointments on the program. This will give a better opportunity for rest and meditation on the things heard in the earlier part of the day, and for fellowship together in spiritual things. Chart Talks, etc., will be given by some public speakers at homes where the friends are being entertained, if there be special requests therefor.

Come praying that you may obtain a blessing and also that your attendance may prove profitable, helpful, to others. All who so come, we feel sure will be blessed. Those whose circumstances or conditions will not permit their attendance may surely join with us in spirit, remembering us in prayer, and they will be remembered in the prayers of the Conventioners; for the family of God is one in hope, interest and aims.

We urge none to attend the Conventions. If, in the providence of God, your affairs are not favorable, remember that He is able to overrule in this and in all things for your good. The lesson of submission learned in staying at home may be just as important a one for you as any blessing which you could secure by attending. Nevertheless, all who love the Lord, who are trusting in the precious blood of Jesus and who have made a full consecration of their lives in the Divine service will be cordially welcome.


— June 1, 1913 —