R4941-462 Berean Questions In Scripture Studies

::R4941 : page 462::


Series VI., Study VII., The Law of the New Creation


(1) What does the giving of a law imply on the part of the recipient? Why are penalties attached to a law? P. 349, par. 1, first 6 lines.

(2) How do we reason with respect to a law having been given Adam? And what was the sin of Eden? P. 349, par. 1, sixth to fourteenth line.

(3) What did the just sentence upon Adam imply with respect to his knowledge? And what did the absence of a Mediator evidence? P. 349, par. 1, fifteenth line to end.

(4) How was the Divine Law written in the perfect organism of Adam and Eve? And why were they without excuse for their sin? P. 350.

(5) What is the condition of mankind today as respects the original Divine likeness? P. 351, par. 1, first half.

(6) How can we account for the more or less crude conceptions of right and wrong among even the most depraved of the heathen? P. 351, par. 1, last half.


(7) What two kinds of laws prevail among mankind? P. 351, par. 2.

(8) How does this correspond with the Divine Law? P. 351, par. 3; P. 352, par. 1.

(9) Why was it impossible for God to give the fallen race a Law of life? P. 352, par. 2.

(10) Where is the first intimation of an atonement and consequent release from the “prison house” recorded? and how fulfilled? P. 353, par. 1.

(11) To whom were still clearer promises stated as respects the blessing of the world, and what did this signify? P. 353, par. 2.

(12) Why did God place a special Law upon the Israelites? Why were the mediation of Moses and the typical sacrifices for sins necessary, and what does this teach with respect to the Law in Eden? P. 354, par. 1.


(13) Who was the only Jew who ever perfectly kept the Mosaic Law, and what double purpose did the Law Covenant serve? P. 354, par. 2.

(14) Although Jesus fulfilled it, what is the position of natural Israel with respect to the Law Covenant? P. 355, par. 1.

(15) What two forms of Divine Law were operative previous to the first advent? and what two classes were subject to these laws? P. 356, par. 1.

(16) Give a brief Scriptural summary of the Sinaitic Law, and who only kept this statement of the Divine Law? P. 356, par. 2.

(17) How did Jesus keep and fulfil the Sinaitic Law? P. 356, par. 3, first half.

(18) Was it love to God or love for His neighbor that required Jesus’ self-sacrifice? P. 356, par. 3, last half.


(19) What two things were accomplished by Jesus’ death? P. 357, par. 1, first eight lines.

(20) Make a distinction between these two things effected by Jesus’ death. P. 357, par. 1.

(21) Has the New Covenant, suretied by Christ’s blood, gone into effect? P. 358, par. 1.

(22) Define the purpose and operation of the New Covenant as respects fleshly Israel and the world of mankind. P. 358, par. 2.


(23) What is the Law of the New Covenant? Does it differ from the original Divine standard? P. 359, par. 1.

(24) What is meant by re-writing the Law of God in the hearts of men? P. 359, par. 2.


— December 15, 1911 —