R4805-127 Berean Questions In Scripture Studies

::R4805 : page 127::


Series VI., Study V.—The Organization of the New Creation



(49) While assured of the Apostles’ inspiration and their guidance by the Holy Spirit, how can we explain Peter’s denial of our Lord? P. 223, par. 4,5.

(50) Did the Apostolic office bring with it perfection of every thought and action? P. 224, top, and par. 1.

(51) Did Peter’s “dissembling” on one occasion affect his usefulness as an Apostle? P. 224, par. 2.

(52) What reply shall we make to the objection that the Apostles expected the Lord’s second advent during their lifetime, and were therefore untrustworthy in their teachings? P. 225, par. 1,2.

(53) What shall we say to the objection that Paul’s teaching and practice with respect to circumcision did not agree? P. 226, par. 1,2.

(54) How explain the Apostle Paul’s course recorded in Acts 21:20-26? Pp. 227-229.



(55) Were the Apostles ordained to be lords or rulers, or in any manner the vicars or substitutes of Christ in their relation to the other members of the Body? P. 229, par. 3,4.

(56) Were the Apostles ever regarded as lords by the early Church, or did they assume such dignity? P. 230, par. 1.

(57) Were the actions and experiences of the Apostles such as would be expected of lords? P. 230, par. 2.

(58) Did the Apostles counsel or encourage any other members of the Church to such aspirations? P. 231, par. 1,2.

(59) What were the respective attitudes of the Apostles and the other members of the Church toward each other? P. 232, par. 1.

(60) Why were the disciples at Berea especially commended by the Apostle Paul? P. 232, par. 2.

(61) Was this method of proving the Gospel also approved by our Lord? P. 233, par. 1, first part.

(62) What is the proof of Divine inspiration in the teaching of the Lord and the Apostles, the Law and the Prophets? P. 233, par. 1, last part, and par. 2.



(63) What is the general thought of Christendom with respect to the organization of the Church, and what is the character of the Divine arrangement in contrast with this? P. 234, par. 1.

(64) In showing forth the Divine arrangement, should we consider ecclesiastical history? P. 234, par. 2, first sentence.

(65) In examining the Bible account of the Church’s organization, how shall we regard the Old Testament with its types? P. 234, par. 2, and P. 235.

(66) In looking to the New Testament for directions respecting the organization and rules of the Church in her trial state, what must we keep constantly in mind? P. 235, par. 1.

(67) What Scriptural illustration (1 Cor. 12) beautifully illustrates this entire subject? P. 236, par. 1.

(68) What conclusion do we draw from this illustration as to the necessity for stringent rules in the Lord’s organization of the Church? P. 236, par. 2.


(69) Who is the Superintendent of affairs in the Church? P. 237, par. 1,2.

(70) Should those who fill the more responsible positions in the Body be able to produce evidence of their Divine appointment? P. 237, par. 3.

(71) Do we find the same variety of members in the Church now as were necessary in the early Church? P. 238, par. 1, first part.

(72) When and how did the “gifts” of the Spirit cease? P. 238, par. 1, last part.

(73) What did the Apostle mean when he said, “Covet earnestly the best gifts, and yet show I unto you a more excellent way”? (1 Cor. 12:31). P. 238, par. 2.

(74) Where do we find another Scriptural lesson concerning the oneness of the Church as one Body of many members, and the object of special service on the part of some members? P. 239, par. 1.


— April 15, 1911 —