R3829-244 Recent One-Day Conventions

::R3829 : page 244::


AT Springfield, Ill., we had a delightful season on June 24. The friends had worked hard and the Lord had blessed the wide advertising, so that the public service was attended by 1400, a very large audience for the size of the city. Surrounding cities were well represented, and an excellent spirit was manifested at all the meetings, the morning one being a Rally and Testimony service, and the evening one a discourse to the interested, already reported to many of you through the public prints.

The Allegheny Convention, July 1, was well attended by friends from nearby towns, the local congregation and the public, to the number of about 700. At the evening service five were baptized. The spirit of the Lord was richly with us and showed in the faces of all.

Hartford, Conn., had a very successful Convention July 11. Friends from New York City, Boston, Springfield and various other nearer places were in good evidence and helped greatly as well as encouraged the little class at Hartford, which is growing rapidly. The Rally was good. The afternoon service for the public was attended by about 900 people, who gave excellent attention. The evening session for the interested at “City Mission” was attended by about 300, and about 50 accepted invitations to remain over for a Monday morning Question Meeting. The joys of the Lord were with us richly and we feasted on both temporal and spiritual good things.


— August 1, 1906 —