R1380-0 (019) March 15 1892

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VOL. XIII. MARCH 15, 1892. NO. 6











By Express Order, Postal Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. Foreign only by Foreign Money Order.


N.B.—Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.






This work is specially designed to make plain the divine plan. It begins at the beginning of the subject, by establishing the faith of the reader in God and in the Bible as his revelation. It traces the glorious plan therein revealed, and shows which parts of that plan are accomplished and which will be accomplished during the Millennial age, also the manner of its introduction, and its objects and methods.

We know of nothing to compare with this book, as a “Bible Key.” The Two Hundredth Thousand is now on the press, and many who have read it carefully and prayerfully declare that if they could not obtain another they would not part with their copy, and the hopes it has enkindled, for millions.

Clear type, good paper, 350 pages. Price in cloth covers, embossed, $1.00. (The subscribers to ZION’S WATCH TOWER are supplied in any quantity at the wholesale price, 50 cents, as all are considered agents.) Price in paper covers, 25 cents, reduced from 50 cents.




This volume presents evidences that:—

Six Thousand Years from Adam ended in A.D. 1872. The Date of our Lord’s Birth was October, B.C. 2. The Date of Annunciation to Mary, Dec. 25th, B.C. 3. The Date of our Lord’s Baptism was Oct., A.D. 29. The Date of our Lord’s Crucifixion, April, A.D. 33. The “Seventy Weeks” of Israel’s favor ended A.D. 36. The Jewish Age “Harvest,” was 40 years, A.D. 30-70. The Christian Age “Harvest,” 40 yrs., A.D. 1875-1914. The Jewish Jubilees were Typical of the “Times of Restitution of all Things.”—Acts 3:19-21. The Typical Jubilees Mark the Date of their Antitype. The “Times of the Gentiles” will End with A.D. 1914. The Jewish Age, in Its Length, Its Ceremonies, etc., Typified the realities of the Christian Age and its Length. Elias or “Elijah the Prophet” was a Type.—How fulfilled. The Antichrist Has Come!—What? When? Where?

Besides the above, it treats many other subjects of deep interest and great importance to “the household of faith.”

Terms the same as Vol. I.—360 pages.



(This volume now ready.)

This volume treats of the prophetic periods of Daniel and Revelation—The 2300 Days, The 1260 Days, The 1290 Days, The 1335 Days.—The Work of the Harvest now in Progress.—The Return of God’s Favor to Israel.—The Great Pyramid of Egypt and its wonderful corroboration of all the prophetic testimony.



This is a very choice collection of 150 Poems and 333 Hymns representing the choicest thoughts of some of God’s saints, of both the past and the present. Some of these have been slightly and some considerably altered, to fully harmonize them with the clearer light of truth as it is now shining. Authors’ names are given so far as known, and any alterations are noted. Cloth bound, red edges, 494 pages, $1—to TOWER subscribers, 50 cents.

Every TOWER reader should have and use this means of grace. Its poems are gems and will encourage and comfort any loyal heart. Nothing is better calculated to inspire true devotion. To enable all our readers to profit by this means of grace, those of you too poor to purchase at the reduced price will be supplied free, upon request, out of the funds of the Tower Tract Society.



The 333 hymns above are widely selected and no single book contains all the appropriate tunes for them. However, the tunes have been so marked that three popular books will supply them mostly—Winnowed Hymns, Songs of Pilgrimage and Gospel Hymns. Many already have these. Others we are prepared to supply at below the wholesale rate when purchased in connection with our own HYMNS OF DAWN, as follows:—HYMNS OF DAWN with Gospel Hymns, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, $1.20, postpaid. HYMNS OF DAWN with Winnowed Hymns, 75 cents, postpaid. HYMNS OF DAWN with Songs of Pilgrimage, $1.50, postpaid. Or the four books, HYMNS OF DAWN, Gospel Hymns Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Winnowed Hymns and Songs of Pilgrimage, all for $2.25, postage included. The usual price for the four, including postage, would be $3.77. We supply them for your convenience merely, without profit.


Any of the above books will be loaned to the poor who will promise a careful reading and to pay return postage. All orders should be addressed, TOWER PUBLISHING CO., “BIBLE HOUSE,” ARCH ST., ALLEGHENY, PA.


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Here we are at last in this land so sacred to the hearts of all who love God—the land of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Prophets, the Lord and the Apostles. And although our eyes are busy trying to notice all the points of interest, and our memories busy recalling the many things written concerning these places in the remote past, and our hearts full and tender as we recall the scenes of our Master’s sufferings on our behalf, and our hopes vivid for the evidences of coming blessings upon the natural seed of Abraham, we do not forget the true spiritual Zion whose deliverance and glorification must first take place before fleshly Israel, and then all the families of the earth, shall be blessed.

We therefore invite all of the TOWER readers to go with us in mind over these hills and valleys, that together we may be refreshed and rejoiced in spirit.

We land at Jaffa or Joppa, the seaport for Jerusalem, to which the king of Tyre sent the cedars of Lebanon to king Solomon for the building of the Temple. It is probably much

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the same as when Jonah visited it, fleeing from his duty, to take ship for Tarshish; much the same, too, as when Peter lodged here at the house of one Simon, a tanner, upon whose roof he saw the vision directing him no longer to consider God-fearing Gentiles “unclean.”

The houses are small and crowded, and as the town is built upon rising ground, the houses and streets are quite up and down. As in all oriental cities, the streets are very narrow—mere alley-ways, we should say in America.

The conveyance which will carry us to Jerusalem is a rickety carriage drawn by three lean little horses—for the railroad, although progressing and already finished about one-third the distance, carries no passengers yet. Upon it, however, construction trains are running constantly.

While our conveyance is getting ready we will see the city, and get dusted from head to foot by taking a walk, and climb to the house of Simon, the tanner. Ah! there it is. Not the same house, of course, but one upon its site, and probably much of the same size and shape, for here architecture and the building art have made little progress—retrograding, more probably. It is a house of one large living-room with a smaller reception room. Outside is a large stone box recently found near the spot, and supposed to be the one used by Simon and his successors in the tanning business. There beside the box is a water-well: quite likely, the same at which Peter drank while residing here. Outside the house against the well a flight of stone steps leads to the roof—similar to the one where Peter prayed and saw the vision.—Acts 10 and 11.

Our conveyance is ready and we start for Jerusalem on a route full of interesting memories—over hills and valleys trodden often by the feet of the Great Teacher and his apostles. Not the same road exactly, but the same route;

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for the present excellent road is of recent construction, the old Roman road of our Lord’s day being here and there visible, but now abandoned for the better one.

The tomb of Dorcas (Tabitha) is the first item of interest; it is a public fountain. This recalls the story of Dorcas, one of the saints of the early Church, a friend of the poor, whose awakening from the sleep of death is recorded in Acts 9:36-43. The tomb is in the outskirts of Jaffa, and leaving it we pass rapidly several fruit gardens hedged about by prickly-pear trees. At any other time, no doubt, these would appear beautiful, but now they are dry and dusty, for this is the dry season here, and no rain has fallen for several months.

Outside of Jaffa we are in the “Plain of Sharon.” It is at present very dry and barren looking, but our guide, a very well-informed and reliable man, tells us that it yields large crops, and that at any other season we would see it spangled with wild flowers of every hue. Our route lies across this plain for twenty miles, while it is nearly one hundred and fifty miles long. Under skilful management and with proper machinery this strip of land would yield immensely. Even at present it yields large quantities of grain for export, though the native farmers are taxed enormously for all they raise, besides paying heavy rentals for the use of the land and heavy interests for the money necessary to put in a crop. As much as 30, 40 and 50 per cent interest, for a six months loan, is charged by the wealthy who have money to loan. The Jews are seldom farmers here, but many of them, as everywhere, are money-lenders. In the eyes of a European or American, however, none of the people appear to be wealthy: all look to be poor.

Here on our left is a modern Arab village, built of small stones and slimed over with earth. The people of this and other similar villages are called “fellah“—they are the poor tax and interest burdened farmers. They are probably happy in their way, but others used to some of life’s comforts would be miserable if thus situated. Ah! the thought comes forcibly, if such things pain our hearts and awaken our sympathy, what must it have been to our dear Master to witness the pain, poverty, degradation and general distress which sin brought into the world. No wonder “Jesus groaned in spirit,” for, surrounded by such, he would not increase their troubles by explaining to them the extent of their degradation, while he could not yet, according to the Father’s plan, apply the balm for all their woes (Restitution)—until he had paid the ransom-price for all; and until his Church, his Bride, being selected, the due time should arrive for the healing of every wound. (Acts 3:19-21.) We also groaned in spirit as we saw their poor estate and the blind and maimed in the way, and prayed, “Thy Kingdom come!” and wished it were already time to pour out the great blessing upon the world, typified in the Sabbath-day healings performed by our Lord. We rejoiced, however, in the “greater works” in which even now we are permitted to have a share—feeding the poor with the spiritual bread, anointing the eyes of the spiritually blind and cleansing spiritually those afflicted with the leprosy of sin. We concluded that we must be content for the present, and wait the Lord’s time for the rising of the Sun of Righteousness with healing in his beams.—Mal. 4:2.

There on our left is the traditional site of Hazar-Shual, where Samson caught the foxes and used them in burning the crops in this very Plain of Sharon, which at that time was held by the Philistines who had invaded and over-powered Israel. (Judges 15:4.) Samson’s trick was not mere wantonness, but a warfare for the impoverishment of the captors and for the recovery of the land to his nation.

Although so dry and parched looking, there is something growing here even now. It looks like our American corn or maize, but the stalk is only half as thick and the grain is not in “ears,” but in a bunch or head at the top of the stalk. It is called “Indian Corn,” and our guide has plucked a sample for us. The grains are larger than wheat, and round.

Here we are at the Tower of Ramleh. While the horses rest we will climb to its top and have a good view of the surroundings. To the east is the hill-country or mountains; to the west is the Mediterranean sea; to the north is Mt. Carmel, where Elijah tested the prophets of Baal

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and proved that Jehovah alone is God (1 Kings 18:19); to the south is Gaza, the city whose gates Samson carried away; and this side of it is Gath, the home of Goliath, and Lydda, where one of the early Christian Churches was founded and where the Apostle Peter performed a notable miracle.—Acts 9:32.

We have now reached the valley of Ajalon, and to the north-east is Mt. Gibeon. We recall this as the scene of the notable battle between Israel and the Amorites, in connection with which is the account of the standing still of the sun and the moon. Endeavoring to locate the battle, we are impressed with the fact that if the sun were standing over Mt. Gibeon there could be no use for moonlight in the valley of Ajalon, which in that event would be flooded with sunlight. The account given in Joshua does not purport to be recorded by an eye witness, but is rather a note and comment upon a record given in the “Book of Jasher,” now lost. The facts which form the basis of the matter recorded would seem to us to be explainable in either one of two ways:—

(1) That Joshua addressed the Lord as the Sun, whose strength and help had so signally been revealed for the relief of Israel and for the destruction of their enemies. With this the words agree well: “Then spake Joshua to the Lord … and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon:” that is to say, O Lord, our Sun and strong Deliverer, continue thy mighty help for us in this battle at Mt. Gibeon, and let thy peaceful blessing [the Moon] be upon thy people in the valley of Ajalon; or

(2) That the sun was setting in the west and its last beams still lighted Mount Gibeon while the rising moon cast her beams directly through the valley of Ajalon. In this view the desire and request of Joshua would be not with reference to the sun itself, but with reference to the sun-light: he desired that utter darkness might not overtake them, in order that the victory be a complete and lasting one. If this be the proper view, then it was the sun-light merely that continued, without the orb itself being visible. This would not have required a stoppage of the earth upon its axis, for clouds might have been so arranged as to prolong the sunset, as they sometimes do at the present time.

We are now more than midway between Jaffa and Jerusalem, in the valley of Wady-Ali, and before us is the site of Kirjath-jearim, where the Ark of the Covenant rested for twenty years in the house of Aminadab (1 Sam. 7:1,2), whence it was taken by King David to Jerusalem. (2 Sam. 6:3.) Away before us, to the left, is Mizpah, (not the place named Mizpah by Jacob when he covenanted with Laban his father-in-law, saying, “The Lord watch between thee and me when we are absent one from another”—that was on the other side of Jordan, but) the place where Saul, the first king of Israel, was chosen and anointed, near which also Samuel, the prophet, reared a monument to the Lord, called Ebenezer, saying, “Hitherto the Lord hath helped us.” (1 Sam. 7:5-17; 10:17.) Yonder, not far off, is Gibeah, the birth-place of King Saul.

Since getting into the hill-country the land has seemed very desolate, stones being almost the only things in sight, except that here and there in the valleys we have caught glimpses of cultivated gardens and settlements. Undoubtedly it would look much less barren at any other season of the year; and there are evidences that the hill and mountain sides now lying waste, except here and there a few olive trees and grape vines, were once well terraced and no doubt yielded grapes and olives in profusion.

Here we pass near by Ain-Karim, which tradition marks as the birth-place of John the Baptist. Here in the hill-country of Judea Mary visited his mother, Elizabeth.—Luke 1:39.

Now we have reached the brook and valley of Elah, the reputed site of David’s battle with Goliath, and while we are listening to “the voice (sound) of the grinding of the mill,” manipulated by women by hand, as in olden time, Abdullah, our thoughtful guide, has selected for us as mementoes five smooth sling-stones from the brook-bed, such as the five which David took, the first of which smote and killed Goliath, the Philistines’ champion.

Now we pass close to a town supposed to be

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the Emmaus to which our Lord walked with two disciples after his resurrection.—Luke 24:13.

It is late when we reach Jerusalem, so we secure lodging, etc., at the clean, airy and comfortable “Hotel Jerusalem,” outside the Jaffa Gate, in what is sometimes termed “the new city of Jerusalem,” because here are most of the new buildings. Indeed, the population outside the wall near the Jaffa Gate bids fair to be greater than that within at no distant day. And our attention is drawn to the fact that this portion is precisely that so accurately described by the prophets.—Zech. 14:10; Jer. 31:38-40.

(To be Continued.)


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For a number of years past it has been the custom for such of the WATCH TOWER readers as can do so to meet in Allegheny for fellowship and study for a few days in connection with the memorial of our Lord’s Last Supper. Such meetings are purposed for the present year, as above announced. These meetings will be held in the chapel over the office of Zion’s Watch Tower, “Bible House,” No. 58 Arch Street, Allegheny.

No fixed program is announced except for Sunday Evening, April 10th, when the Lord’s Memorial Supper will be celebrated at 7:30 o’clock. The meetings will commence on Thursday, April 7th, and continue from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. (with noon adjournment for lunch) daily for a week. The sessions preceding the Memorial celebration will be specially devoted to Bible study, at which Bible questions of every kind will be entertained—among others, Baptism and its significance—and an opportunity will then be afforded for any who may so desire to symbolize their death with Christ by immersion. We have robes and every convenience. More than fifty persons availed themselves of this opportunity last year.


(1) All who trust for justification in the great atoning sacrifice for sins given at Calvary by our Lord Jesus will be welcomed; and (2) especially all such who have presented themselves as living sacrifices in God’s service; and

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(3) particularly all such who are regular subscribers to Zion’s Watch Tower; and (4) all those engaged in the Colporteur work, or who contemplate entering that ministry.


Friends of the Lord and the Truth, here, have arranged for the lodging and breakfast and supper of all Watch Tower subscribers and Colporteurs who may attend the Convention. And in return we have assured them that all who come will gladly lend a hand to carry what otherwise would burden them and hinder their attendance at the meetings. Come prepared to sleep on clean comfortable floor-beds or the best that we can supply to so large a number. But do not bring little ones or uninterested friends, unless they can be otherwise provided for, as every bit of space will be required and reserved for those who are interested.

Come in a thoughtful and prayerful mood, expecting to be influenced for good and earnest to exercise such an influence upon all with whom you may come in contact. It has been remarked of previous meetings that from the waking to the sleeping moment, both in and out of meetings, there was but the one topic of conversation—the good tidings of great joy. One old Brother, a U.P. minister, remarked: “I have been at many Conventions, but never before at one like this, where the will and plan

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of God are the only and the incessant topic from rising until retiring; in the house, on the street, at meeting, at lunch and everywhere.” Come resolved that this meeting shall be none behind its predecessors in spiritual fervor through coldness or indifference or unfavorable influence on your part.


Arrangements will be made, with boarding houses near, whereby all attending the meetings can procure good, comfortable dinners, as low as 15 cents each. Thus the near-by friends as well as those from a distance can spend the entire days at the meetings. And those of limited means, from a distance, can know that their entire expense for the seven days need not exceed twenty-five cents a day, including street-car fare.


The following railroads have granted excursion rates to Allegheny or Pittsburg:—

(1) The Trunk Lines, viz., P.R.R.; B.& O.R.R.; and N.Y.C. & H.R.R.R., and generally all connecting railroads of N.Y., Penn’a. and N.J.

(2) The Central Passenger Association, including almost all the railroads west of Pittsburg and Buffalo, and north of the Ohio river, as far west as Chicago and St. Louis.

(3) The Southern Passenger Association, including almost all the principal railroads of the South.

The terms are uniform, as follows: Any one purchasing a first class, full fare ticket (limited or unlimited) over the above lines to the Convention of the Tower Tract Society, Allegheny, Pa., will be entitled to a printed and signed Certificate, stating that he has purchased such ticket and the route taken. On arrival here, said Certificate will be given to a designated clerk who will certify to your attendance at the Convention; and when ready to take your return journey, you will be granted a return ticket over the same route by which you came, at ONE THIRD the regular first class fare. Thus full fare here and one third of full fare back will be your railroad charges. But to secure this cheap return, you must have your Certificate properly signed over railroads belonging to the above associations. Make no mistake. If the railroads of your town are not members of any of these associations, the ticket agent can direct you to the nearest station of such roads. In that case go to such station and buy your through-ticket and get your Certificate there. If coming from points north of Chicago and west of Chicago and St. Louis, buy ordinary tickets to those cities and there get your Certificate, etc.

If you think of coming to the Convention, at once drop us a postal card to that effect, and also call upon your railroad ticket agent and tell him that you will want such a Certificate. Do this in time, so that if he has no blank Certificates on hand, he can get them from his General Ticket Agent. But do not buy your ticket until you are ready to start.


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We believe and teach that the most proper occasion for the celebration of our Lord’s death is its anniversary. This was the custom of the early Church, and it is still observed in a fashion by some denominations on Good Friday—although, in order to have the observance come upon the same day of the week, the exactness of the date is disregarded. We, like the early Church, prefer to observe the memorial upon its exact anniversary—which we reckon as they and the Jews reckoned it—by lunar time—the day before the beginning of the Jewish Passover.

Furthermore, we believe and teach that the only proper manner for the celebration of this memorial is that which our Lord introduced and which the early Church followed, and not as Good Friday is now celebrated by some.

On the same night in which he was betrayed—after 6 o’clock P.M. of what we now would call the 13th day of the Hebrew month Nisan, but which the Jews called the beginning of the 14th day of the month (their 24-hour day beginning

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with the evening); and therefore, in Jewish reckoning, in the same day in which he was crucified (the day before their Passover week began)—our Lord celebrated the Passover supper with his disciples. (The lamb supper, which always preceded the feast-week of Passover, was not, and is not now, termed the Feast of Passover by the Jews.) And after having thus complied with the Law (which was still in force over every Jew until our Lord’s death on the cross), Jesus instituted a memorial of his own death, bread and “the fruit of the vine” being used as emblems of his flesh and blood.

He instructed his followers that thus they should commemorate his sacrifice for sins, saying,


And to us it appears that the time is no less a part of the institution than the bread and the juice of the grape. We should as soon think of substituting another time than that of the institution—especially in view of the particularity of our Lord in the matter; for although he declared, “With desire have I desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer,” yet, according to the Law, it could not be eaten until the anniversary of the killing of the typical lamb preceding the passing over of Israel’s first-born in Egypt; which was to be the anniversary also of the killing of the true “Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world” and by whom the Church of the first-born is first to be spared or delivered. Our Lord waited, therefore, and “when the hour was come [the earliest hour possible according to the Law] he sat down.”—Luke 22:14-20.

The words of the Apostle “As oft as ye do this, ye do show forth the Lord’s death until he come” (1 Cor. 11:26—particularly explained in March ’91 Tower), are understood by many to give license to the observing of any hour, any day and any month; but not so to those who read critically; for the words “do this” have special weight. It would not be this if done at another time: just as if a command were given to celebrate the Independence of the United States on the fourth day of July, it would not be a fulfilment of this command, nor a celebration of this event, but something else, if another day were celebrated.

But let no one suppose that we teach that God’s people are under the Law on this or on any other subject. The only law of our new covenant is the law of love. We love our Master, we love to celebrate his great sacrifice for our sins, and we love to do it as he was pleased to show us, as nearly as we can.

Some of the Lord’s people celebrate his death every first day of the week, supposing that in so doing they have the sanction of the custom of the apostles and the early Church, as recorded in Acts 2:46; 20:7. We hold, however, that they err in this application of the words “breaking of bread,” and that it was not the Memorial Supper, but an ordinary meal customary in the early Church for two reasons, (1) being few and scattered, when they gathered for a meeting they brought a luncheon; and (2) probably for the same reason that they met on the first day of the week, they ate a meal together, viz.: because it was on the first day of the week that our Lord arose from the dead, and because on that day he expounded unto them the fulfilment of the Scriptures applicable to himself and was known to them in the breaking of bread, i.e., in the eating of supper. No wonder that afterward they loved to celebrate both the day and the meal which brought them so much joy and blessing.—Luke 24:25-32.

Those who have confounded these luncheons, celebrating the resurrection on the first day of the week, with the Memorial of our Lord’s death have erred greatly if not seriously. They should notice, too, that the fruit of the vine is not mentioned in connection with these luncheons, while it is never omitted when the Memorial Supper is referred to, being no less important than the bread. The same expression, “breaking of bread,” from the same Greek words, is used in Acts 27:35 where there can be no doubt that it refers to an ordinary repast for the satisfying of hunger and not as a memorial or symbol.

We treat this subject but briefly here. As to who should celebrate the Memorial, and

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how, and many other interesting points, our regular readers are referred to our issue of March, 1891. While our supply lasts, we will be pleased to send a copy of that issue free to new readers who desire to study the subject further.

Let us urge upon all who recognize that value of Christ’s death as their ransom-sacrifice, to surely “do this,” as the Master enjoined, in remembrance of that great event which is the basis of our present joy in the Lord as well as of those which we shall enter upon as the fulfilment of this Memorial—when we shall partake of the joys of our Lord in glory, in the Kingdom. But those who trust to forgiveness aside from this sacrifice for sins, or who are trusting that they can crucify their own sins, and thus render themselves acceptable to God (as some claim), should not celebrate this Memorial; for in so doing they would be eating and drinking condemnation to themselves—not discerning the value of the Lord’s broken body and shed blood as the one and only sin-offering which can take away sin and make the believer acceptable before God.

The proper time for celebrating the Supper this year will be after 6 o’clock of Sunday, April 10th—that hour being the beginning of the 14th day of the Hebrew month Nisan.


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“Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.”—1 Pet. 5:7

“What can it mean? Is it aught to him
That the nights are long and the days are dim?
Can he be touched by the griefs I bear,
Which sadden the heart and whiten the hair?
Around his throne are eternal calms,
And strong, glad music of happy psalms,
And bliss unruffled by any strife.
How can he care for my poor life?

“And yet I want him to care for me,
While I live in this world where the sorrows be;
When the lights die down on the path I take;
When strength is feeble, and friends forsake;
When love and music, that once did bless,
Have left me to silence and loneliness;
And life-song changes to sobbing prayers—
Then my heart cries out for a God who cares.

“When shadows hang o’er me the whole day long,
And my spirit is bowed with shame and wrong;
When I am not good, and the deeper shade
Of conscious sin makes my heart afraid;
And the busy world has too much to do
To stay in its course to help me through,
And I long for a Savior—can it be
That the God of the universe cares for me?

“O wonderful story of deathless love!
Each child is dear to that heart above:
He fights for me when I can not fight;
He comforts me in the gloom of night;
He lifts the burden, for he is strong;
He stills the sigh, and awakens the song;
The sorrow that bowed me down he bears,
And loves and pardons, because he cares.

“Let all who are sad take heart again.
We are not alone in our hours of pain;
Our Father stoops from his throne above
To soothe and quiet us with his love.
He leaves us not when the storm is high,
And we have safety, for he is nigh.
Can that be trouble which he doth share?
Oh! rest in peace, for the Lord does care.”—Sel.


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Thus runs the title-page of an advertising circular before us. The second page gives a picture of Christ in heaven, with Joseph and Mary on either hand, praying to him for those suffering in Purgatory; below which the sufferers and the flames are pictured. Subsequent pages explain that the admission fee is 25 cents and the annual dues 10 cents. Any surplus of merit more than is necessary for the members of the society will be generously donated to others now in Purgatory. The money goes to pay the priest for the sacrificing of the Mass. (See M. Dawn, Vol. III., p. 99.) The priest, “Rev. J. F. Durin,” is President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager. How blind are those who support such an institution and those Protestants who sympathize with it.


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Golden Text—”Blessed is the man that walketh not in counsel of the wicked, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”—Psa. 1:1

The first three verses of this lesson picture the perfect man, the man whose heart is perfected in holiness, the pure in heart. Hence the picture is pre-eminently that of the perfect man, Christ Jesus, and secondarily that of those imperfect men and women who, being justified by faith in Christ, are, as new creatures, walking in their Master’s footsteps, and hence right at heart, even though sometimes imperfect through the weaknesses of their earthen vessels.

The first verse shows three steps, (1) the ungodly—literally, the wicked, (2) sinners or transgressors, and (3) scorners or the conceited and unteachable.

The proper course is to have no fellowship (sympathy and common interest) with people of any of these classes. This, of course, does not mean that we are to treat them unkindly or discourteously, nor that we are never to be seen walking, standing or sitting with such; but it does imply that our company should, as far as possible, be select, and of those who reverence our God, and that other fellowships should not be encouraged.

A greater number, perhaps, are in danger of getting into fellowship with the scorners or unteachable than with the others: yet fellowship with such leads to the same spirit; and that leads gradually to violation of the covenant with God; and that leads to open wickedness and wilful sin. The safe way is to have no fellowship with darkness: it is never profitable.

But this advice will apply also in another way. In all the nominal churches there are many who have a form of godliness, but who are really ungodly—far from being in harmony with God and his plan. In the nominal churches are also many sinners, living in known violation of their covenant with God. And there, too, may be found, alas! sometimes even in the pulpits, those who are of an unteachable, haughty spirit, who even scoff at God’s Word and make it void through their traditions. Come out from among them; and neither sit, nor stand, nor walk in fellowship with such. (Rev. 18:4; Isa. 52:11.) Stand with God, even if that should seem to imply standing alone. The Lord knoweth them that are his, and he has yet more than seven thousand who bow not to the idol of sectarianism.

Verse 2. Some might suppose that one thus isolated would have an unhappy lot; but no, he is truly said to have a delightful experience. He delights day and night in meditating upon God’s will and plan. In this he finds a joy and a peace which the world and a worldly church can neither give nor take away. One thus consecrated and full of the spirit of the Lord finds that God’s laws of righteousness are not restraints which he would fain be freed from; but, like the Master, he can say, “I delight to do thy will, O my God: thy law is engraven in my heart.”

Verse 3. Such children of God as have reached this degree of development do not wither away and become dead and barren, but, since the root of their new life is fed by the river of God’s grace and truth, they are always fresh and joyous and fruitful—adding to faith virtue, brotherly kindness, love, and so are not unfruitful in either the knowledge or the wisdom which surely comes to all who have communion and fellowship with God.

Whatsoever such do shall prosper. They have no plans of their own: they desire that God’s will shall be done. And since God’s plan shall prosper (Isa. 55:11), their plan shall prosper; for his is theirs.

Verses 4 and 5 describe the reward of the wicked. In God’s plan no provision is made for the wicked; and, as the chaff dust blown by the tornado can never again be found, so the wicked shall have no place after the Lord has thoroughly cleansed the world and swept them into oblivion.

But a distinction should be made between wrong-doers and wicked people. The wicked are those who wilfully prefer sin to righteousness, while many violators of God’s law now are deceived by the great enemy, Satan, (2 Cor. 4:4), and entrapped by depraved appetites, etc. Thank God that Satan soon shall be bound and shall deceive the nations no more; and then a clear knowledge of God and of righteousness shall be granted to all. We may reasonably hope that the wilfully wicked will thus ultimately be proved to be a much smaller number than at present might appear.

But the description here given of the way of the wicked does not relate to their present life.

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In the present life they, more often than the righteous, flourish and prosper, as is shown by the same writer elsewhere.—Psa. 73:3,12; 37:10,16,35; 145:20.

Verse 5. The wicked, therefore, shall not be able to stand [shall not continue to stand—shall fall, pass away as the chaff] in the judgment [of the Millennial age]; nor shall sinners [those disobedient to their covenant] longer be found in the congregation of the just.

The judgment which is to determine who are the lovers of righteousness, and who are deliberately, wilfully wicked, is here stated to be future, which accords with our Lord’s words uttered ten centuries later—”I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.” (John 12:47.) That the world has not yet been judged is evident; for the wicked are not yet overthrown and carried away as the chaff. But though our Lord’s mission, at the first advent, was not to judge, but to redeem the world, the testimony is unmistakable that, at his second advent, he will judge the world, and that his saints now being selected from among men will be associate judges, kings and priests with him in that thousand-year-day of judgment. (Acts 10:42; John 5:22; Acts 17:31; 1 Cor. 6:2,3.) The character of these judges and the object of the judgment give assurance that it will thoroughly and righteously separate those for whom God in Christ has provided the gift of grace—everlasting life—from those who, he declares, will be “cut off from among his people,” in the second death.

Then sinners [violators of their covenant of consecration] will no longer have a place among the faithful who are completing their covenant of self-sacrifice. (Psa. 50:5.) This division of the faithful and wise servants from the unfaithful and foolish servants is already beginning. The judgment of the world will follow. See “The Work of Harvest” in Millennial Dawn, Vol. III., Chap. vi.

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Verse 6. “The Lord knoweth [or approveth of] the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leadeth to destruction.”


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Golden Text—”Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”—Psa. 2:12

In considering this psalm it is well to remember that King David, its author, was a typical character, a type of Christ. Those of David’s time and he himself, also, no doubt understood his words to refer to his own conflicts with surrounding nations and their kings, and although some of the expressions are quite too strong to fit the typical king and kingdom, and could fit only their antitypes, this no doubt was considered poetic license. From a higher standpoint, however, guided by the holy spirit and the words of the apostles, the Gospel Church can see in this psalm a prophecy of our Lord Christ Jesus at his first advent, and still further of the entire Christ (anointed) including the Church which is the body of Christ, and their final exaltation as the Millennial Kingdom.

While the application of this prophecy, by some in the early Church, to the time of the first advent, and the events connected with our Lord’s crucifixion (Acts 4:25-27), is not corroborated by the testimony of any of the inspired apostles, it is not without justification in the circumstances they relate. But notwithstanding this partial application, the fulness of the import belongs to the time of the second advent, as do almost all the prophecies which relate to Christ’s Kingdom and glory. The object of his first advent was to give himself a ransom for all, and thus legally to prepare the way for the selection of some of the redeemed, his Church, to be his bride and joint heir, and also to prepare the way for restoring the race (whosoever wills) to all that was lost in Adam. The second advent, and the Kingdom of God then to be established, are to accomplish all that was made possible by the work of the first

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advent. The time for the fulfilment of this psalm in its fullest, completest sense is just at hand. See Millennial Dawn, Vol. II.

Verse 1. “Why do the nations rage and the peoples devise vain schemes?” This we understand to refer to the commotion and discontent already prevailing throughout the civilized world and daily increasing. As a result of the dissatisfaction, how many are the vain and impracticable schemes and theories being devised for relief—Communism, Socialism, Nihilism, Anarchism. But these can not bring the relief needed and desired. God’s remedy is the only one that will cure present social, political and financial ailments and sores.

Verse 2. “The kings of the earth entrench themselves, and the rulers [Religious, financial and political] take counsel together against Jehovah and against his Anointed.” Ah! yes; we can see this fulfilling on every hand. The kings of Europe are banded together against Socialistic influences; and they set or establish their power over the people by various combinations. The lesser rulers, the money-princes and religious-princes, are also busy; and Unions, Combinations, Trusts and Syndicates are the order of the day, not only in financial, but beginningly in religious matters.

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But little do any of these imagine that they are preparing to resist the establishment of the Kingdom of Jehovah in the hands of his Anointed Son. Nevertheless, this is just what they are doing. The time is at hand for the fall of present systems and for the establishment of God’s long promised Kingdom which will enforce his will on earth even as it is done in heaven. So far from knowing that they are setting themselves to oppose God’s will, they are so blinded that they call their own poor tottering thrones God’s kingdoms. But in vain do they worship him in lip and form while their hearts are far from him. His will is not in all their thoughts.

Verse 3. “Let us break their bands and cast away their cords from us.” The translators of the common version got the impression that these words represented the sentiments of the kings and rulers; but not so: they are the expression of Jehovah and his Anointed, relative to the kings and rulers who have banded themselves together to oppose the execution of God’s plan, because it includes the fall of their power. God will break all their bands—their combinations and trusts of every sort—and will cast off the cords, by which they still attempt to claim God’s favor, protection and Word as upholding their kingdoms, rights, authorities, etc. See Isa. 8:9-13.

Verses 4 and 5. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: [i.e.] the Lord shall have them [as well as their wonderful banding together] in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and trouble them in his sore displeasure.”

For eighteen centuries the civilized world has heard the words of the Great King, instructing that all righteousness consists in loving God with all the heart, mind, being and strength, and in loving our neighbor as ourself; and that he that exalteth himself shall be abased, while he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. But his instructions have been unheeded except by the very few: pride and love of money and power have ruled. Now the time has come to speak the same truths in a different manner—so loudly and so forcibly that they will never be forgotten. And the great time of trouble just approaching, such as was not since there was a nation, will be merely the reiteration of the Lord’s message, once given in tender tones, but unheeded.

Verse 6. “Yet [meanwhile] I [Jehovah] have established my King upon Zion, my holy mountain [kingdom].” Thus briefly does God announce what his work will be in connection with the overthrow of human systems and governments. He will establish Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, and he shall take unto himself his great power and reign.—Rev. 11:17,18.

Verses 7-9. Here, evidently, the speaker is our Lord Jesus. The words represent the lesson that he will first make plain to the world—that it is by the Father’s divine decree that he takes possession. “I will make known the decree: Jehovah hath said unto me, ‘Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.” The fulfilment of this was when our Lord Jesus, as the man Christ at thirty years, consecrated himself wholly to the will and plan of God, even unto death. There the sacrifice was really made which was “finished” three and a half years after at Calvary: and there, too, he was begotten of the spirit to the divine nature, to which he was fully born three and a half years later, when he was made a quickening spirit, by a resurrection to the perfection of the divine nature—”highly exalted.”—Phil. 2:8-10.

Next comes the enthronement of the Son in his Millennial Kingdom. He at his first advent “bought us with his own precious blood,” and consequently he has only to “ask” for that which he redeemed to get it. He would have asked for it at once, but for another feature of the plan—the selection first, from among the purchased race, of a bride and joint-heir in his kingdom. This selection will be complete at his second advent, and then he will be ready to deal with the world, the nations, and then he will ask and receive from the Father all the power and authority necessary. “Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the earth to its uttermost parts for thy possession.”

While the object of the kingdom will be to establish peace on earth and good will toward men, it will not be peacefully introduced. The beginning of Messiah’s reign will mean the greatest revolution the world has ever seen. (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21.) Kings and princes will hold on to power and advantage to the last, and as a result all will be dashed in pieces.

Verses 10-12. After telling of the fulness of the authority given to him, and that it must be enforced, even though such a revolution be necessary to introduce it, the great King of Glory shows his willingness to be merciful, and points out that, if the trouble comes thus upon men, it will be because of their neglect to come into harmony with him. But the kings and rulers of earth will not hear nor heed the exhortation, and this is clearly indicated in prophecy. They will not hear the voice of the antitypical Elijah Class—the Church in the flesh (See Millennial Dawn, Vol. II., Chap. viii.)—and hence the earth will be smitten with the great disaster so clearly foretold in Scripture.—Mal. 4:6.

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These verses 8-12 were freely quoted and applied by the popes to their systems during the dark ages of Papacy’s triumph—that was the counterfeit Antichrist’s millennium. See Millennial Dawn, Vol. II., Chap. ix.

“Blessed are all they that put their trust in him [Christ].” These words stand as an offset to the promise of great trouble and overthrow for such as oppose the new and rightful King of earth. It includes the Church primarily—the real, the believing, the consecrated Church. When men’s hearts begin to fail them for fear of those things coming upon the earth—when the powers of the heavens [the nominal churches] shall be shaken, these are instructed to look up and lift up their heads, because their redemption draweth nigh. At the same time that destruction comes to the one class, redemption and glory comes to the other. Compare Isa. 35:4; 63:4.

Yea, beloved, can not all we who see the sign (indication) of the presence of the Son of Man now say, “Happy are all they that put their trust in him.”


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DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I am one of the lone ones—an old lady of 84 years, but I love the precious truths for these last days. Providentially I picked up the first volume of MILLENNIAL DAWN when I was away from home on a visit in Waco a year ago, and I thank God that he ever directed me to these precious truths. I seem to have a new Bible now and I thank God daily for his beautiful plan of salvation.

I feel that I cannot wait longer for the TOWER. Please send it to me. I will send the money for it and some DAWNS to scatter.

Yours in Christ, MRS. M. E. RUST.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Glad to tell you that I have recently found here quite a goodly number deeply interested from reading the DAWNS.

I am drawing my canvass here to a close preparatory to the holding of some meetings at Columbus and also at New Albany, O. In the latter place the brethren are preparing that they may be mightily helped by my visit and preaching among them. Will you, and Sister Russell also, pray for us? After the meeting, when on my way to Chicago, I have promised to stop again at Columbus and Van Wert.

Much love, in which Sr. A. joins.

Yours in Christ, J. B. ADAMSON.



MY VERY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have started several times to write to you since your ever-to-be-remembered visit, but have always been put off. Your visit here was a veritable, divine appointment. Its influence on others has been great for good, I doubt not, but to me especially. I cannot tell you all I have felt since Sept. 13th: words fail me utterly. The humiliation, the self-abasement, the light, the love, that have succeeded each other, no tongue can tell, but you can understand it, because you have known it yourself. The Scriptures have seemed to open out of themselves, and never before have I had such freedom in giving meat to the household of faith.

You suggested to me the Colporteur work. This I felt I could not undertake without further consideration. I should have been so glad to say, Yes, to you, but something held me back. I could not feel that I was fitted for such work. This conviction has grown upon me; but with it I have also realized that for the present I must labor where I am. And I am confirmed in the belief that this is the Master’s ordering by the blessing granted on the work I am doing. I think I told you or Sister Russell that I had a class of twenty to thirty men every Sunday morning for a Bible lesson. Somehow some portion of the spirit of Elijah fell upon us at those memorable London meetings, and the men have realized that their teacher has received a blessing and must bless others if he is to keep it. A fortnight ago the kindly and helpful testimony given as to the way these lessons are appreciated was most encouraging. To the Master be all the praise. Three of the men were specially anxious to testify of the good they had received, and these were men cradled and reared in Methodism. Two of them said the Bible was a new book to them, and that they had learned more of the word, plans and purposes of God during the last few weeks than in all their former life put together. I felt deeply humiliated and could only ask for grace to help in this time of need. Knowledge puffeth up, but I am deeply conscious that I am nothing and fearful that men will look too much at the instrument. Since then there are two others, who, having heard of the light God is giving, have come to see for themselves. One of them is a local preacher. He has been impressed with the beauty of God’s plan and says

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he will not miss being present whenever he can get here. I have sold all the DAWNS I had and am glad to hear that now we can be supplied from London. I hope to be able to arrange for public meetings occasionally this winter, but hold myself open to anything and everything that the Master of the Harvest gives me to do. And it is astonishing how many ways he opens up.

Your first discourse in London, “Come out of her, my people,” has been a source of encouragement to me. I am always on the lookout for the sheep and lambs. O! I thank God that not one of his shall be lost, also for the great privilege of seeking them. Three weeks ago we had a very dear friend staying with us who is a Minister in the Prim. Meth. church, and with whom we had often exchanged views by letter. He and his wife left us deeply impressed by “our manner of life.” They are both sincere Christians and have very much of the love and likeness of the Master about them. The Master himself ordered all our conversation. We invariably entered into sweet fellowship, and yet the doctrines of the trinity, immortality, future punishment, the destiny of mankind, and the greatest doctrine of all—the Atonement through Christ our Ransomer—all were entered into as they were suggested to us; and this profitably to both sides. Since then left us for home (London) we have received a good letter from them. They are fully consecrated to him whom we love. These means God has brought to me, and in so many ways—by letter, by speaking and by teaching—have I been shown God’s graciousness, so that I feel sure that for the present, at least, my influence is greatest and best exerted where I am. I am able to sell DAWNS and get others to do so, too, but if the Lord will that I go out, I pray he may show me and give grace in needful supply. There are many things one would like to talk about. O! the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord at and ever since your visit! But I cannot write more now, only to say that our (wife and self) hearts are overflowing with gratitude to the Master for his goodness in sending you to England.

Sister Horne wrote me a characteristic letter yesterday. She tells me she has heard from you. There are none on earth that occupy such a place in our hearts as your dear selves. My heart is full and I am overjoyed at having received such blessing. Give our loving greeting to all the Brethren and Sisters, and may your hands be strengthened and your hearts cheered in the great work, is the sincere prayer of your affectionate fellow-servants,





Enclosed you will find Express Money Order for six dollars, the amount of my “Good Hopes” for this quarter. Rather early, but better than too late. This leaves me paid up until June. I delight in this opportunity for serving the Lord and the truth, and have a feeling at heart that I am doing right. With love to you all, I am

Your Brother in Christ, E. WALLACE.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Your very kind and highly appreciated letter was duly received. After considerable study and prayer, I have concluded that it is best for me to have as little as possible to do with the nominal church, and nothing at all to do with their religious services.

I have been singing in protracted meetings every night for seven successive weeks, and during that time I have felt very much out of place—as their doctrines and especially their revival services very much oppose the Bible and God’s plan of the ages. “Eternal torment” and the “restitution of all things” do not go well together.

It is my greatest desire to do the Lord’s will, and I am confident that in the near future the way will be opened for me to serve him more effectively than I have been able to do in the past.

Oh, how thankful I am to God and to you, Brother Russell, that the MILLENNIAL DAWN ever came into my hands! How thankful I am that God has called me out of darkness into his wonderful light! I cannot thank him enough for it. May I prove my loyalty to him by living the truth—by letting my light shine, and by putting forth every possible effort to lead others to the light!

I have enjoyed studying your articles on the Ransom. I am sure they are thoroughly Scriptural and are very much needed in this evil day. You cannot overdo that subject. The S.S. lesson expositions are “meat in due season,” and I am sure they will be highly appreciated by all TOWER readers.

Enclosed you will find $5.00, which kindly hand to Sister Russell on account of my “Good Hopes.” Please remember me to Sister Russell, Brother Henninges and all the TOWER workers, and pray for me that I may be as “wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove,” and that I may never shrink from the consequences of truth.

I remain your brother in Christ,



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DEAR SIR AND BRO. RUSSELL:—I see by the last issue of the TOWER that you desire all the readers to send you a few lines. And in compliance I beg to state I am one to whom the M. Dawn and the TOWER have been indeed and in truth meat in due season. But I have to state that I can no longer send in the subscription price, for my whole income is but 10 pence a day; but I cannot afford to lose the precious food in the mean time, so I request that the TOWER be continued to me as one of the interested Lord’s poor.

I will mention the address of a friend who I think will be a subscriber, if you will send him a sample copy; his address is __________.

I may describe him as a ravenous truth-seeker. The copies of Millennial Dawn which I loaned him have been to him meat in due season. The Parish Minister in visiting him saw the DAWNS, and after examining them described them as being a wonderful work.

Yours with much love, in Christ, J. PLINT.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I write just a few lines to try to give you some idea of my high appreciation of the TOWER in its new dress, as it comes to us semi-monthly laden with the food now due, and which is to build up and strengthen the household of faith, and which, if properly digested, will enable them to stand, firmly established, by and through a knowledge of the Truth as found in God’s Word.

I think you have shown wisdom in taking up the Int. S.S. Lessons, and your manner of treating them will prove a blessing to all who will give the proper attention to their study. There were just three of us who met at my house last Lord’s day. We took for study Lesson 8th, Jer. 36:19-31, and read your remarks on the lesson, proving everything up as we went along. When we came to where you compared Jeremiah’s prophecy with Revelation to prove that the Prophet referred to mystic Babylon we went carefully through all the references, comparing one with the other. When we got through we all felt there was no room for doubt.

I fear many fail to get the full benefit of these precious truths, because they do not take the trouble to prove them up, and thereby put it beyond doubt in their own mind, and when they point out these truths to others, and are met with, “Oh! that is what Russell says,” they are not able to reply, “It is what God’s Word teaches.” And doubtless in many instances doubts are created in their own minds, and all because they swallowed the food without proper mastication, and have failed to digest it and benefit by it, and so they are weak.

I see I have strayed away from what I intended to say. Of course we get very hungry between meals: we have no preaching, no sermons except what we get from the precious TOWER, and that seems not half enough to satisfy us. And we go to the fountain of water (God’s Word), and drink in the blessed truths, and look forward to the time when we may say to all, “Come to the waters of life and take freely.”

Yours in hope of the victory, S. T. BARNES.


West Virginia.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Warmest thanks to you and Sister Russell, with love and gratitude for so much of the Lord’s bounties you have spread and are spreading before us. It is simply delightful to follow you through the earth, into the heavens, and the ages revealing the “Miracles and wonders God has wrought”—exposing the power and signs and lying wonders of Satan, putting a “new song into our mouth, praise unto our God” (Psalm 40), and confirming unto us the Covenant.

How strange to see the power of Satan exercised side by side with God’s agencies without restraint—even up to and beyond the most thrilling crisis in the history of man. How Satan succeeded in preventing the arrival of the two thousand chosen troops in time for the noble Pilate’s use, must have astonished higher intelligences than man at the time. And to-day he is permitted to surround the saints with his cunning devices, working miracles, claiming the sanction, if not openly the authority of Christ—Antichrist to the last, and deceiving many for a time.

While objectors hereabouts cannot gainsay, yet they do express their scorn. If we had a name with an “ism” to it, they might tolerate our views. …

Yours in Christ, H. L. GILLIS.



We have had some of “Emerson’s Patent Binders” made for the present size of the Watch Tower. The issues can be put in from time to time as they come, and thus be kept straight and clean as a book. They are very convenient, have the name Zion’s Watch Tower on the side, and will hold about three years’ issues. By having a quantity made at once, we are able to supply them at fifty cents, including postage.



Murdoch’s Translation of the Syriac-Peshito manuscript is sometimes inquired for.

We can supply it in substantial half-leather binding, post paid for $2.
