R1144-2 Extracts From Interesting Letters

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New York.

MY DEAR FRIEND:—I enclose $1.00 on my account. Please send me about 5 each of the July and August Towers. I am glad that you are showing from historical data the course of corruption of the doctrine of the church. That, however, is but one of many good things found in the August TOWER.

Some of my remarks in prayer meeting have recently aroused opposition and one zealous brother wants me prevented from speaking. Another to whom I lent DAWN tells another that it is a dangerous book, and I guess it is, to some bad doctrines. This fearful saint is a deacon and not long ago he called on and asked me to accept a nomination for elder. He was horrified to learn that I was not a member of their church and more so to learn the reasons. Well, I hope to accomplish something; else, why am I here? I have a few sympathetic hearers. I have been privately considering the calling together of such as will come to study the Bible some weekday evening, a non-sectarian Bible class. Am in some doubt how best to do it, but hope to reach the result some way.

In haste, Yours very truly, J. A. S.


Grant Co., Ind.

C. T. RUSSELL—DEAR BROTHER:—Judging you and others by myself, I thought I would offer a few words of cheer. Bros. Leigh and Deming, willing servants, stayed with us, some time ago, from Saturday till Monday. We spent the time pleasantly in discussing, for the most part, the objections the nominal church brings against us. We again met in Marion and spent a few hours together, very pleasantly. These noble Christians are, indeed, making a “willing sacrifice” of all. They need encouragement. I received a postal by last mail, stating they were suffering from malaria, but after two days rest, went to Hartford to canvass that city. I want to write to them and have them come home and stay until they recuperate. How pleasant it is to be with these dear brethren. I want to tell you, we do not feel so lonesome now, as we felt a year ago. There is a rift in the dark cloud, and the sun is shining in; others are seeing the light, and as Bro. Leigh says, we have a plan, and notwithstanding it is so broad, it is entirely protected by God’s Word.

Others are beginning to see this plan, which is so simple and so plain, and so harmonious with the Bible and the character of a great and good God; and the best of all, as soon as they begin to see its unfolding, they thirst for more and want others to come to the fountain and into harmony with the truth.

Mrs. M. joins me in Christian love to you and yours. G. P. M.


London, England.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—With thankfulness for the great blessing the TOWER has been in the past, we again renew our subscription, still rejoicing in its teachings as meat in due season. We rejoice that we have been freed from Babylon by the truth and can now look with wonder and admiration at Jehovah’s plan. DAWN, Vol. II., with its time proofs, is a marvel of beauty and clearness, setting the time proofs so clear before all who will patiently search for truth.

The truth is finding a few over here and spreading, we trust, though quietly and slowly. We are able to sell a few DAWNS, from time to time, and think if we can get some old theology tracts and Arps well circulated, others may begin to inquire. Yours in love and service,

S. A. H.


Lamar, Ark.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have received all the mail you sent; for which I return thanks. The truth has been such a blessing to me, I do not see how I could have made out without it. I was glad to get Vol. II. I wish I could express my feelings; I read and learn and rejoice, thanking the Lord for the blessed truths. I have read it through three times and began a fourth. I then got my Vol. I. home, which had been out on a mission, and I gave it another careful reading.

Yours in Christian love, M. T.


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Belvidere, Ills.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I enclose a list of orders for DAWN, Vol. I., with Postal Note for the amount of the memorandum. I have had much traveling to do lately in my Insurance business, more than I like; there is danger I fear of being overcharged; I must try to cut off some. And yet, though I have not had much time for meditation and study of the Word or for dispensing the truth to others, and therefore feel more lean, I am glad that it has not come from any loss of appetite or relish for the spiritual food or

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service, for I am very hungry and anxious for opportunities and must make them.

My Son Paul (now a Brother in Christ, you will be glad to learn), though only in his thirteenth year, gives good evidence of full consecration; he has made a start at the colporteur work of selling DAWN, Vol. I., and has had sufficient success to warrant the sending of my last order of 100 copies, which were for his use.

I enclose the subscription of a minister, Rev. S__________. He sat down in the car seat with me to-day, and I gave him the Old Theology—Wages of Sin. After he had read it nearly through, he turned on me and said he thought I had better stop giving such stuff out. He asked me, if I had ever saved anybody with it. I asked him in return, if he had ever saved any one with his God-dishonoring errors about eternal torment. I told him all we knew of the future was contained in the Book, and defied him to name a single passage proving his doctrine. Then he hedged by saying, It is best to be on the “safe” side. This of course was easily answered by saying that it is best to teach the truth as we find it in God’s Word, and it is not good policy to try to improve upon God’s theology. Our talk was very brief, much less than five minutes, but much to my surprise he promised to read MILLENNIAL DAWN. W. M. WRIGHT.


Mears, Mich.

DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Second Volume of MILLENNIAL DAWN, cloth bound, was safely received, and for the past few weeks I have been feasting myself with its contents. I have always opposed the fixing of a particular time for the setting up and establishing of the Redeemer’s Kingdom; but your data so plainly established from what has hitherto been held to be hidden and obscure and at the same time so much in harmony with itself and the truth now shining so clearly, compel me to accept it. And in accepting it I find myself both cheered and comforted, as I realize the time is so near.

My health is too poor to permit me to travel, but I do all I can to spread the truth in my limited sphere. May the Lord richly bless you and crown your labor with abundant success is the prayer of yours in the faith and service of the gospel. T. B__________.


Grand Rapids, Mich.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I will tell you briefly of my efforts here. Have been here two weeks and have been working in the business part of the city nearly all the time. I have sold 300 DAWNS—nearly half of them being Vol. II. When here two years ago, I sold only about 35 in the business part of the city. The increase, I think, is owing somewhat to the interest formed by hearing of the book; but perhaps more directly by a better presentation of its merits. It requires considerable tact, earnestness and experience to interest business men in a religious work. Though if once interested the influence is apt to be good, as they are generally at the head of practical and representative families.

The principal object now, I think, is to find the “sheep” and minister unto them; but in doing this, we can do good unto all, as we have opportunity. I have not yet decided whether it will be well to canvass the whole city again now. If the exceedingly warm weather continues it will perhaps be better to work in smaller towns for a while.

It is interesting to note the way in which the truth and harmony brought out in DAWN is being circulated and found out. Being good tidings, they who find it go and tell their own brother, sister or friend. These likewise go and tell others, even as it was when the Savior was first discovered among men. And how blessed are they who are permitted to publish these things!

I greatly enjoyed the “View” in last TOWER. Truly, the Elisha class will be more numerous than that of the Elijah. And though the former class will be highly favored, I am striving and hoping to be one of the overcomers. In considering the subject I have been interested in trying to trace the import and typical meaning of 2 Kings 2:10—where we read “If thou see me taken from thee; but if not, it shall not be so.” Will it be that the Elisha class will need to know, or see, when the Elijah class is taken from them in order that they may inherit a “double” portion of the spirit? [This would seem to teach that it will be only such as keep in fellowship with the Elijah class, such, therefore, as will know them and realize that they are being exalted, who will constitute the Elisha class and be inspired to fresh zeal and redoubled earnestness in the service of the truth from a realization of the facts.—EDITOR.]

With Christian love to you and Sister R. and others of them that are His, I remain, Yours in service, S. D. ROGERS.



DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I enclose now $20 of which $5 is to be credited to my DAWN account and the other $15 is to be used to send Food and “Hail” to our dear Bro. H. I enclose his letter and order which of course you can fill much better and less expensively to him than I could.

The return home to-day from my week’s labors found all well, and I rejoice and praise the Lord for results. The whole week was a triumphal march of Immanuel’s banner and cause against the hosts of sin, ignorance, superstition and unbelief.

I told you that they had asked me to return to I., and give them another address on my way back home. I did so, and found that the interested ones had been unable to secure a church and had hired a hall and paid my board and all expense for the second discourse. I sold all my books and more, having to mail some back to-day. This morning I found them hanging on me still to have Scripture explained and I again preached to them from 7 A.M. till train time at 10 A.M. I spoke three times on the trip, twice at great disadvantage, but my voice held out and grew stronger and my mouth was full of the high praises of our God.

With kindest regards and remembrance joined by Sr. A. to you and Sr. Russell. In Christ the Lord, J. B. ADAMSON.


— September, 1889 —