R0958-3 Letter From S.I. Hickey

::R0958 : page 3::

THE writer of the above signed it A Believer, but I take the liberty of putting his full name, knowing that our readers will appreciate it the more. You will remember him as the brother whose letter appeared next to last among the “Kind Words of Commendation” to DAWN published in April TOWER. For several months Bro. H. has been in a furnace of severe trial, prostrated by sickness. He was obliged to remove, and to abandon the meetings so favorably started in Brooklyn and also the canvassing, but is still strong in the Lord. We print his last letter that you may be able the more closely to sympathize with him.—EDITOR.

July 13th, 1887.

MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Grace unto you and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!

I have been again prostrated by my enemy, if so I can term that which is God’s instrument in consuming the sacrifice, so freely presented. Since writing you, I have suffered prolonged, intense and fearfully weakening pain. I am now at very low ebb, but mending slowly: perhaps to regain strength, and perhaps only to be again suddenly and violently attacked. But all is peace, joy, and confiding trust in my blessed God and Savior. He doeth all things well, and I bow in glad submission. My physician here advises me, as the very best thing to do, to go to Saratoga and drink certain of the waters there for the removal of the gravel by dissolving. My wife wrote, last week, to an old physician-friend residing there, stating my case. He replies in indorsement of this opinion, and says “I can find a place in a private boarding house at $7.00 per week—my services free to him.”

Now I thought that if I continue to gain strength for another week, I might be able to go and to pay my way by selling DAWN in Albany and Saratoga, if these places have not been canvassed. Please write me as to this immediately.

In patient waiting, Your brother in Christ, S. I. HICKEY.

P.S. My wife read above and says, I must not try to do any thing. Well, perhaps not. But I hope for strength.


— August, 1887 —